How can you kill 77 people in self-defense?

Norwegian Man Claims Self-Defense in Killings

So reads the headline in The New York Times.

Now, I’m sure that someone reading The New York Times today in print or on a tablet, when turning or clicking to page A6, could be forgiven for not realizing the background of the story. They will understand that a trial recently began in Norway. They might vaugely remember the 2011 Norway attacks. They will read the headline and see the picture and assume that Mr. Breivik perhaps killed an intruder at his residence or something like that. They won’t assume that Mr. Breivik killed over 70 people. :eek:

A better headline would have been:

Norwegian Man Claims 77 Killed in Self-Defense
How do you kill 77 people in self-defense?


They were all wearing hoodies.

I’m bookmarking this thread to post in 2014 for the zombie horde jokes.

Breivik? Self-defense? What now?

Breivik is claiming, I believe, that he was defending the Norwegian people, including himself, by killing the members of a liberal political group who were insufficiently resistant to the menace posed by Islam and Islamic people in Northern Europe. It’s ludicrous, of course, and will not hold up in court, but there’s probably no chance at all of Breivik avoiding prison except by pleading insanity, and that only gets him sent to a different sort of prison. So I expect he’s pleading self-defense in order to use the trial to spread his message.

EDIT: Actually, I don’t see the words “self-defense” in that article.

RE-EDIT: Oh, wait, there’s a couple different NYtimes articles. Nevermind.

Breivik doesn’t have a defense. He’s either going to prison, or a locked mental hospital. So he’s just having some fun trolling us.

“The bus driver was trying to run me down, so I shot the bus with my grenade launcher.”

He doesn’t want to be found insane - it would undermine his “message.”

Batshit crazy, no matter what he claims.

Breivik’s prison is a three room appartement with his own gym and study, and his own cooks preparing special meals to his specifications. The media is treating him like a rockstar and outside is the usual horde of mass-murder groupie girls wanting to marry him, have sex, have his babies, writing him love letters, propositions, etc. In no time he’ll be settled down with a nice wife or two, bouncing his small kids on the knees. He’s better off than most of you guys. But at least so far we’ve been spared the usual trite saying “One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter.” Thank God for small favours.

Could you provide a cite for his living conditions and the other stuff? Not calling you out, but I did some basic searching and found year old articles on what his eventual prison may look like. Nice, but not a three room apartment.

As to how you can kill 77 people in self-defense? The guy is nuttier than a fruitcake. His little arm gesture the other day was, no matter what he may say to deny it, at the very least a Nazi homage. He calls for armed uprisings and spews much gibberish. He needs to be isolated from the healthy.

Little help requested here. Is there a link to an English-language source that confirms any of the above?

The answer to your question, OP, is that you can’t. He has to enter a plea, this is no worse than any other. He’s going away for life, which in Scandanavia is what, 3 years or so?

Private Joker: How can you shoot women or children?

Door Gunner: Easy! You just don’t lead 'em so much!

Attorney: “Judge my client is going with the, ‘My God it’s coming right for us!’ defense.”


Breivik has three cells at Ila (Norwegian)
Norway spoil the mass-murderer (Danish)
Breivik receives piles of love letters (Danish)
Norway killer pores over love letters
Norwegian Mass Murderer, Breivik Get Piles Of Love Letters

But I was wrong about the lack of people claiming “one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter” on Breivik. A Google gives 4k+ hits.

You obviously haven’t seen Kill Bill Vol. 1.

Twenty-one years, with extensions unless his parole board determines he’s no longer a threat to society.

Rune, he’s on remand. It’s pointless to compare that to the maximum security prison he’ll be transferred to should he not be found insane.

Care to dig up his comments on how much he’s looking forward to being found insane, by the way?

<Omar>One at a time, I suppose </Omar>

Nah, there weren’t really eighty-eight of them. They just called themselves “The Crazy 88.”