See, I have 3 cats and one of them in particular likes to lick my face for what seems like hours on end. Now, I know that cats clean themselves by licking, but is my face actually getting cleaner by being licked by my little kitty? Or am I just hopping on the disease train?
All aboard!!! :rolleyes:
There is a big diffrence between ‘clean’ and ‘sterile’. A chunk of steaming rat turd can be treted in such a way that it is sterile, and you can eat it without any danger if you feel so inclined. However it is obviously not clean. Similalry a cat can get your face ‘cleaner’ if it i fairly disgustin to start with, but it will not be sterile. Cats carry a number of nasty parasites which can be passed on in the saliva.
So the answer to both positons is yes. Yes your cat is getting your face clean, and yes you are in the running for the helminth infection of your choice.
Hmm. Yummy.
What parasites can be transmitted through saliva? Bacteria, sure but I’m not familiar with larvae being transmitted that way in cats specifically. Poop, on the other hand, is a different story.
Is it any more dangerous than having your face licked by a human?
Probably a hell of a lot less dangerous.
The problem is that cats and dogs lick their rear ends to clean themselves. If the animal has worms, then any worm eggs there are then transferred into the saliva or stick on the damp fur near the mouth. Some are swallowed, continuing the cat/dog infestation, but if the animal licks your face (especially near your mouth), they can pass them on to you.
The same also goes for if they lick your hands, and then you rub your mouth/handle food, etc. You shouldn’t let them lick your face & you should always wash your hands after contact with your pets & before eating food.
Regular worming if they are going outside & therefore likely to get infected is essential both for your health & theirs.
Ah, that sounds feasible. I’d just never heard of that sort of thing happening. Thanks.