How come there aren't any porno video games?

At the risk of sounding immature I will post this pressing quandary:

The other day I had a friend over and we were playing ‘Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004,’ a golf game for Xbox boasting an impressive player customization feature. Anyone who has played this will know exactly what I mean: the appearance of your player can be tweaked to the tiniest detail, allowing you to make him look exactly like you. Height, weight, chest size, eye size and width and spacing, lips, nose length and width, ears, hair, absolutely every concievable feature can be made exactly how you want it. I was able to replicate myself to an impressive degree, as was my friend.

After this we decided to make Ron Jeremy. So I printed out a picture of him, used it to customize another player, and soon enough we had a veritable Hedgehog clone in golf duds ready to hit a hole-in-one (pardon the joke.)

Then I thought: why don’t they make a porn video game using this concept?

Imagine being able to stage porn movies using actors who you can customize however you want: you could create women to accomodate every concievable preference in facial features, body type, ethnicity and what have you (and of course men, if that was your thing.) You could make digital replicas of any porn star. And of course you could direct your own movies and make them do whatever the hell you wanted them to.

At risk of sounding very stupid, I must stress that video game technology has come a very long way since the gaming days of anyone on this board older than 20. Anyone thinking of an X-rated Mario Brothers type scheme has got the wrong idea. This golf game that I was playing has graphics that rival what we see with our own eyes. The potential for creating lifelike human figures is absolutely limitless.

I can’t believe there wouldn’t be a sizeable market if such a thing were created.

So why isn’t it?

Various porn/adult/sex games do exist; do a google searchfor them - they just can be bit hard to find in the US. Also, porn tends to have a more limited budget, so the CG stuff you do see doesn’t really look all that good.

Hentai(adult related anime stuff) type games are very popular in Japan; you can walk into just about any computer or game store and see shelves full of them. Of course with these, you have the more stylized drawing style for the girls, which IMHO tends to look a lot better than the cheasy polygonal models you see in porn games that use them. And the Japanese tend to be less prudish than us Americans; they don’t mind cartoon breast on the packaging all that much.

There have been adult titles for several different gaming systems, but they never have the licsense of the system manufacturer. The ones that I have seen are only available in Japan though.

By the way, is there any way you could put a picture of your Ron Jeremy character online?

Well, there’s The Sims…

I’ll try.

I’m not sure if games must be licensed by the company who owns the console (i.e. Sony, Microsoft, or Nintendo), but these companies would not approve such a thing in the U.S. This article implies such. Here’s another. The U.S. has a lot more tolerance for violence than for boobies.

Even if independent developers could do it legally, it probably wouldn’t be too great in the graphics department (the part that counts) because of the limited budget compared to the other top games that gamers are used to.

I remember playing Leasure Suit Larry on a DOS based 386 in 1988.


Paying people to have sex is a lot cheaper than paying a programmer to simulate it.

Those hentai games are usually circa 1996 technology IMHO. Like choose-your-own-adventure, with pictures. They’ve shown a few 3D ones on XPlay but I don’t think that’s what’s filling the shelves over there.

I’m not sure what you mean by that. The game, like most video games, would sell for around 50 dollars when it was released.

As for paying the programmers to make the game, I think the profits would be massive. As Xbox gamers are getting older (many are college age by now and such a game would be a sure-sell with the frat boy and gaming geek crowds) I think the potential is too great to ignore.

Someone in chat the other night linked to a Wired (I think) story about an upcoming massively multiplayer online game that allows players to rape one another, among other things.

So, for better or for worse, more explicit games are coming.

There was that BMX bike game a few years ago with nude players, “extreme” tasks and roadside attractions, and video footage of strippers played when you won.

More recently, I believe someone is working on a dating/sex Sim-type game, and the developers are promising explicit graphics.

And forget X-rated Mario Bros.; anyone remember Custer’s Revenge?

BMX XXX. From what I remember they just took a game that was already out and put boobs in it. It was part good idea and part gimmick, but no one bought it anyway.

Yeah, it was Wired news - I posted the link.

The problem with the OP is that the Game Industry (capitals) is made up of a few major players - Rockstar (the GTA franchise), Electronic Arts (All those sports titles like FIFA 200x, F1, Baseball, Basketball, Rugby - you-name-it…), Activision, and about maybe 10 others.

The money that these major guys put into New Game Development can be in the “100 Million-plus” bracket, per title. Like any big-business they don’t want to take risks. Risking censorship, law-suits, and right-wing nutjobs ranting & raving is just too much for them. No company wants that kind of press, much less one that is already under fire from various sources because of the detrimental effect of their products on the youth of the nation.

Game development tends to go in cycles - you get a burst of new titles all competing for that all-important demographic of the 15 - 25 year olds. The good games make it, and the shitty ones don’t. Then the publishers of the sucessful games see nothing wrong with cashing in on a well-worked project, so you get a spate of sequels, to wit, GTA II, GTA III, GTA Vice City, GTA San Andreas (on the way), The Fall of Max Payne, Soldier of Fortune II, all the “Sims” titles, and the list goes fucking on and on and on.

Eventually after a few years the gamers get tired of the SOS (same old shit) and look for something new. The sales figures fall, the developers panic, baton down the hatches and decide to come up with a new franchise.

The MBAs that run these big companies don’t give two fucks about entertainment - they only want one thing - ROI (Return On Investment). I guarantee you that if they thought they’d make their investment back, plus some, they’d do it quick as wink. At the moment however, they believe (rightly, I think) that violence sells better than sex. Not that the same demographic doesn’t want customisable porn, but there just isn’t the same cultural tolerance for it, ergo they won’t get as good a ROI, ergo they stick with what they know - First Person Shooters and RPGs.

Finally, if you really think there’s a market for it, you shouldn’t post it in chat sites - get thee to an attorney and patent the idea. Then develop it. Then come back here and laugh at us poor schmucks who said that voilence gives a better ROI.

Hope that helps.

There is an XBox game called DOA Volleyball or something. The premise is big bouncing breasts and skimpy outfits. The graphics quality, at least on the commercials (I prefer killing aliens over pixelated boobies) looks fantastic, it would not take much from that point, graphically, to make it pornographic.

Perhaps DOA V-ball II will have that option.

That’s hilarious! I would love to play that, just once, just to say that I did.

Am I going to hell for that?

Funny you should ask. I just saw on TechTV’s “Unscrewed with Martin Sargent” a segment talking about X-Rated ATARI games.

Ooooh sexy.

Here’s an article by the guy who was interviewed on the show. He shows dirty, dirty close-ups of 2-bit genetalia! :slight_smile:

Except when it comes to visible puibic hair.


I’ve played it, on a Atari 2600 emulator. And, “just saying you did” is about all you’ll get out of it. Man, is it boring!

Oh! Oh! A question that I’m qualified to answer, finally!

I may be a Science Idiot, but I DO know a lot about Gaming, having been in the business for over ten years as an artist, programmer and designer.

So, let me explain why porn titles never do well in the gaming market. And please, don’t anyone take offense, because I’m going to have to say some things that some people might find objectionable- but they’re still true. I’ll try and be as objective as possible.

First of all:
The Porn Business is full of werid people.
One has to face the facts of life, and one big fact is that to even WANT to make a Porn title, you’d have to be a little bit scummy. Again, I wish I could be less blunt about it, but if you want a real answer, you have to face real facts.

I knew Joe Sparks personally, and actually worked on the 3d Software used to create Virtual Valerie. It was not a pleasant experience. These were not pleasant people. I don’t want to get in to a debate about what constitutes “normal”, but whatever it is, these guys weren’t it. So just accepting the fact that you’re not dealing with real upstanding individuals, you’re left with all sorts of problems just MAKING a porn-based title.

-Reputable artists and programmers won’t sign on for the deal, so you’re left with B-talent at best.
-Funding is a problem.
-The folks involved are notoriously flakey, and people don’t like dealing with them.

REAL porn is always better than virtual porn.
Remember “Custer’s Revenge”? An early title where a pixel-based Custer ran across the screen to rape a pixel-based indian princess. It looked like crap. Even when the technology reached a level where you could simulate sex more realistically, your average Porn fan would still just watch the real Jenna Jameson than a computerized version of her.

Most folks like to seperate their Gaming from their Masturbation.
There are a great many normal, wonderful people who like porn. Liking porn isn’t really a sign of degeneracy. However, most normal folks view porn much as they do defecation or any other private act- as private. Just as your average person wouldn’t want to play a game where they’re running around crapping, they also feel creepy and sleazy playing a game where they’re running around having sex.

Hardcore porn addicts are not a profitable gaming market.
Leisuresuit Larry had a cult following, but man, if you ever met a member of that particular cult, you immediately understood why Sony was never going to fund “EverQuest Larry: Naked Elves”. Again, there’s no point in lying to ourselves if we want a real answer to the original question. Folks who’d actually WANT to play a game about having sex (as opposed to just going and having REAL sex) are not traditionally people who have a lot of free cash to spend on games.

You’d never get a mainstream distributor.
Electronic Arts probably isn’t going to risk parental wrath and potential boycotts by releasing a porn title. And “softcore” titles, such as the aforementioned BMX game, have NEVER made enough money to justify the potential backlash.

My personal opinion is that as a person matures, they lose a lot of their fascination in sex for sex’s sake. Most adults are having sex, so they don’t need to giggle and obsess over it. The point being that you’re probably not going to find a lot of good artists and engineers who’d be willing to sign on to a porn based game title, because they’re already involved in other projects that interest them more, and stand to make them more money.

But all moralistic/maturity judgements aside, as a game designer, it also comes down to this: A porn based game would just get boring after the first few minutes. Virtual Valerie, for example, was INCREDIBLY boring. I hope to never meet the person who could spend more than five minutes amusing themselves by making a polygonal model abuse itself with a polygonal sex toy.

Don’t forget Bachelor Party and the worst Beat 'em and Eat 'em.