How come WILLASS doesn't have a post count?

on this thread:

As a Charter Member, his/her count should show, shouldn’t it?

It should . . . and now it does . . . but they apparently changed their email address and/or their password, which threw their registration into the security holding queue until I manualy moved it out.

(The confirmation email sent by the system that needs to be opened and triggered to move the registration out of the security holding queue is is probably sitting in their spam folder right this very minute. A common problem; I send people to their spam folders and/or move registrations back into the database every blessed day.)

Hope this answers your question.

Yes, it does. Thanks.
So why do Straight Dope messages go to spam anyway?
That’s where my sign-up link ended up.
Is it because they have something that says “computer generated” in them somewhere?
Or just because you send out so many nearly identical “thread watch” messages?

Yes. :slight_smile:

We have at times been banned at certain ISPs simply because of the volume of mail the system sends out; the assumption is that we’re spammers.

Not only do we have all the message board business we also have a weekly Straight Dope mailing that goes out to thousands of people. Again, that alone has been enought to get us blocked because while it comes through our friends at Joke-A-Day (Thanks, Ray!), the header says “” For oversensitive ISPs, that spells spammer to them.

So how’d he get his “Charter Member” staus back if he (apparently) let his membership lapse?

It probably hasn’t been swept by the periodic house-cleaning that gets done by the management. We’ve had delays like this before.

Don’t think it lapsed; the registration just went to the security holding queue when email and/or password was changed, that’s all.

What does his username mean, anyway? Every time I see it, I imagine a strange-looking fellow on a corner with a sign reading “Will Ass For Food,” while the passers-by give him a wide berth.

Well there’s a lot of people like that on the west-coast.

Perhaps it’s simply a last name. There are Willass listings on geneology sites like this one

FYI, blocked on the Seminole County (Florida) Public Library computers.

Wha choo talkin’ 'bout, Willass?