How could a police officer be this wrong?

Yes it is a minor violation. Just because its a bit more expensive than other violations does not make it a major offense. No points. No possible loss of license. * Its just a parking ticket. Thats cheaper than the ticket around here for having a valid license but forgetting to have it on you.
*(I reserve the right to be wrong in case there is a state out there with wacky laws I don’t know about)

In my state and most that I have heard of, the property owner can have a car towed off their property. Random pissed off guy can’t.

So the next time the neighbor’s guest park in MY driveway?

Yes, absolutely. And the tossers who park over my driveway because it’s easier than walking the extra 3 metres from the empty legal spot.

Let’s get 'em!

Would be unfortunate a wheelchair wheel bumped against it…

Or a key…

I think it would be a fabulous thing if we could place a caltrop type device behind the tire of the car in question then when formentioned idjit comes out and moves his car (BOOOM!) darn, flat tire…such a bummer :smiley:

Yeah such things are tempting but I consider myself sort of “on thin ice” when it comes to gym memberships. :smiley: I’m a rule abider now.

Seems to me that committing a crime in response to a parking offense is way overboard.

I like this answer. Amb isn’t asking for or hoping for special treatment. Even disabled people need to keep their placards up to date, they aren’t exempt from the law (unless the government issues a placard for that too)

In terms of parking vs. moving vs. misdemeanor vs. felony, yes, it’s minor. But it’s a hefty fine, an easy $100+ into the police department’s coffers, especially considering an officer had actually came out to the site.

As evidence of the fact that it is (or at least can be) taken seriously, I offer the fact that I received a ticket for the very same offense.

I suppose it would be wrong for Jamie to park his vehicle behind the other vehicle, since it is in ‘his’ handicapped spot, and they aren’t handicapped.

Seriously, how about paging the guy to the front desk and asking him to move the car. If I were asked to move my car from a handicapped spot by a guy in a wheelchair, I’d be mortified.

Also, is there anyway to automatically subscribe to Ambivalid parking threads? I hate coming in late.

I’m waiting for the “it belongs to the owner of the gym” punchline, myself.

YMMV depending on your state but in mine nearly all ticket revenue goes directly to the state. The police department gets nothing and the town barely gets enough out of tickets to keep the court running. The police department has no financial reason to write tickets. Certainly the officer does not.

Since I know no place where it is legal to make a citizen’s arrest for a parking violation and most if not all states have laws against criminal restraint, its probably a bad idea. You can not hold someone against their will without legal authority. Even if the car was unoccupied parking behind the vehicle would probably be a parking violation in itself since its stopped blocking other traffic. Committing another offense in order to highlight someone else’s offense is generally frowned upon. And so is committing a felony in response to a parking problem.

In most jurisdictions (if not all) you can make a citzien’s complaint. Take down the plate, maybe take a picture for later proof. Go down to your local court and file a complaint. Could be a nice hobby.

And it can legally be treated as a way more serious offense than one would think off hand. If you get a letter of the law / hanging judge you might be in big trouble. Kinda like messing with US mailboxes. So don’t do it without a damn good reason (like maybe you are blocking in actual bankrobbers or sumptin).

Already tried it; he didn’t respond to the page.

Nah. The owner can easily designate a parking space for themself. There probably is one, but in the back, real close to a back door near the owners office.

I lost count, how many threads have you started on this subject?

On what subject; the abuse of handicap parking? IDK, in the more than year that I’ve been here…three. Heaven forbid. :rolleyes:

I’m not telling you to stop calling when you see a violation. When I was on the road I was more than happy to write handicap parking tickets. I would suggest you avoid confrontation with the drivers. And you should realize that it won’t turn out as you plan each time. I’ll give you the exchange I heard my training officer tell someone. He borrowed it too.

“Why did you pull me over and not all those other people? They were speeding too!”
“You ever go fishing?”
“Yes, I don’t know what that has to do…”
“Ever catch all the fish?”

Some fish get away. Let it go. If they keep using the spots illegally they will get caught.

“When using sufficient dynamite? Yes, indeed!”:smiley: