If a low level employee started stripmining a multinational corporation’s restricted documents from multiple areas, it would get noticed. How does a private in the military collect and remove this many “secrets” and nobody notices? Isn’t this the real problem?
MAYBE it would get noticed. It all depends on how robust the DLP technical controls are.
I’ve heard (and can’t recall where) that most of the stuff isn’t highly classified, and that one of the reasons it was easily available was the government’s efforts to make it easier for departments to share information with each other, as the 9/11 Commission recommended. Basically, they can share information and risk document dumps like this, or keep information closely guarded and miss connecting the dots in the next big terror attack. The cynic in me supposes this will encourage departments to stop sharing with each other.
The same way the Pentagon managed to lose all the official records of the first Gulf War.
Yep-the explanantions don’t wash.
I think this is actually a plant-the info was “leaked” so that the USA could justify getting out of some of our more onerous treaty obligations.
It makes a nice way to pave our way out of Afghanistan.
WTF? Is this for real? How the hell did that happen?
I wondered about that. Certainly embarrassing for Saudi Arabia and the other countries in the area who apparently want the US do deal with the Iranian nuclear program.
Saudi Arabia will be happy to fight Iran to the last American.
By letting it be known that our State Department hates everyone? If this is some kind of metagaming it’s done incredibly poorly.
So you’re trying to get this new girl to sleep with you and everything is going great until someone unknown sends her a bunch of your brothers text messages trash talking her.
That’s what this is.