How did Eskimo's balance their diets?

Just a random question I had when watching an Arctic special. Sure, who wouldn’t love the taste of raw seal, but where did they get a balanced diet from? I don’t see most of the other food groups represented in their simple meals (especially fruits and grains). I know some fish oils are high in certain vitamin’s and minerals, but did that cover all of them? It just seems that they would be missing something (like Vitamin C to start).

Obviously they survived for thousands of years, so I assume that they were covered on the vitamins and minerals front. But didn’t they suffer from something because of deficiencies in diet?


I have heard that they get vitamins from eating the stomach contents of herbivores.

Hey, this is the question on the front page!


I SWEAR I didn’t look at the front page! Total coincidence that I asked this!

I DO feel sheepish now, though…
