How did your Congressman vote on the FISA Bill?

Yep. Specter I expected, but Casey snookered me. I thought the only thing I had to really watch him with was abortion issues…

The Dems really jellied whatever remnants of their collective spine were left with this one…

Representative Steve Israel (Dem) voted Nay.

Congressman (McDermott) voted Nay (no surprise), as did the Senator (Cantwell)who voted.

My rep (D) and one senator (D) voted nay. The other senator ® voted yea. What’s the top issue on that douchebag’s web site?

That’s it! Hit 'em hard!

Our reps voted no.

If I’m not the only one who didn’t know the particulars of the bill, there’s a fact sheet here.

The important particulars are that the administration violated the limits of the FISA according to a FISA court judge. Therefore the congress with Democrats help made the violations legal. Thus giving the a;dministration leave to violate the new limits.

Cardin Yea, Mikulski Nay, both Democrat.

Rep. Joe Knollenberg (R-MI) voted yes. My Senators, Carl Levin and Debbie Stabenow (both Democrats) voted no. No surprise there. If Bush sponsored a bill declaring that the sun rises in the east, Levin would vote against it just out of spite.

Three no’s: Hall, Clinton, and Schumer

Party lines. My Democrat Rep voted nay. One Senator, Kyl voted yea, McCain was off doing something more important, I guess.

My congresswoman, Doris Matsui (D, CA) voted Nay. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D, CA) also voted Nay. Senator Barbara Boxer (D, CA) didn’t cast a vote on this one; had she, I guarantee she’d have also voted Nay.

My Rep. and both Senators voted for it. They are all asshole Republicans, of course.

With a Crayon.

Rep. Capuano voted No, as did Sen. Kennedy.

Sen. Kerry sat on his ass. It appears the measure needed 60 votes in the Senate to pass, which is exactly what it received.

All that is necessary, Senator Kerry, all that is necessary.

Hastings (R) - Yea (I voted for the other guy)

Cantwell (D) - Nay
Murry (D) - Didn’t vote. :dubious:

So I’m 1-1-1. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sites on the net such as this one list Feinstein as voting “aye.”

The official role call (see post #3 for link) agrees. Feinstein voted yes.

Seems like this one split the Democrats pretty badly, huh? And I notice already that the more strident websites of activism are going after those Democrats who voted “yea” with a vengeance.

I’m reminded of 1968, where the riots were in Chicago and not Miami Beach.

The Democrats have to decide whether they are going to be a governing party or an activist party, and issues like this are the decision point.

All three of my representatives voted nay.

I usually like my representatives. (I live, in theory, anyway, in Illinois’ 5th.)

Feinstein is a bizznatch. I usually vote for Dems, but I voted for the Green candidate last time she came up for election. (I was in California at the time, obviously.)

Gee, you’d think a governing party would actually govern instead of allowing the executive and the Republicans to reduce our freedoms further. Fer Og’s sake, they basically put Alberto Gonzales in charge of deciding who gets eavesdropped on! ALBERTO GONZALES!

How stupid do you have to be to vote for that?