Just wondering.
“Gravy boats” would not be confined to the dinner table.
67% more delicious.
Everyone would vacation in the Sandwich Islands.
If all the seas were gravy
And all the clouds were ink
And all the lakes were chocolate cakes,
Where would we get a drink?
Mordified from an original by Mother Goose.
Nobody would go Hungary
The problem is that there are so few gravy-based life forms. Dropping present-day fish in the Gravy Ocean would result in – well – Dead Fish (although they’d be floating in gravy!)
Presumably, you’re thinking of a world where gravy was there from the start (which means that causality would be reversed, since gravy would precede the creatures whose cooking would provide the gravy), and look at what would develop from there. Including people. Assuming that a giant meteor (a meatball, perhaps) wiped out the gravy dinosaurs, we would have evolved from ancestors who had gravy flowing (sluggishly, probably) through their veins, and so would we. People would be suffering from High Gravy Pressure, and all sorts of other things wouild happen. Movies would be rated “R” if there was too much Gravyshed.
Would that be the Chickenstock Event?
Biscuit makers would see a major uptick in business.
Gravy is a colloid; there’s plenty of chemically accessible water in it. Life would have evolved to live in it, and probably use it for nutrition.
The world would smell like rotting gravy.
Wavy Gravy?
Gravy navies.
Turkey would be less dry.
Would the continents be made of mashed potatoes?
All faucets would come with ladles.
Mermaids would be quite obese.
Would think much of the sea life would die but some would survive to break the gravy down and eventually get back some sort of sea. Perhaps fresh water fishies could jump start the new oceans by migrating out. And yes it would stink a lot of rotten gravy for quite some time.
They would have to change their name to the Open Face Sandwich Islands.
You couldn’t yell Help, I’m drowning anymore.
Instead of harvesting the fishes, we would harvest what the fishes swim in.
While the answer may be factual, this is more MPSIMS rather than GQ. Moved.
samclem, moderator