Is there an easy method, using a Hex-editor, say, to discover the endianness of a JPG?
Is there an easy method, using a Hex-editor, say, to discover the endianness of a JPG?
Didn’t know it varied. I’ve never had a graphic program offer me the option, or something likely to be its equivalent (i.e., “Windows byte-order” versus “Mac byte-order” or something akin to that).
What would cause a JPEG to be little-endianned as opposed to big-endianned in the first place?
Or are you asking, not for “a given JPEG”, but rather “for all JPEGs in general”, i.e., “what’s the standard byte-order of these puppies”?
According to this guy, as well as several other pages covering the format, the integer fields inside a JPEG file are all big-endian. (The most significant bytes precede the less significant ones).
Status or non-status?
So a corrupted JPEG file could be referred to as Blefuscated?
Thanks for all your answers. That is very helpful.