I’ve got the basic quoting system down, but I’ve noticed that a good amount of quotes supply the source in italics above the quote. (originally posted by DougAB" and then the quote) Is there a special way to do this?
Under each post, on the right side, there are two buttons-- one reads “edit” and is disabled, and the other says “quote”. Click the “quote” button.
Just hit the “quote” button to the bottom left of the post you are quoting and it does it automatically. Otherwise you can put the italics tags in manually.
Oh, and welcome to the SDMB.
Botom right
DougAB, you must be informed that Colibri lives in a bizarro world, where left is right, right is left and bottom is spelled with one t.
No, I live in Panama, but that’s pretty much the same thing.
I can spel, I jsut cnat tpye. As for the left/right thing, that’s just because I’m so close to the equator it’s hard to tell the difference sometimes.
Thanks, everyone! Let’s give it a try!
Oh, and it must just be that damn Coriolis effect. I’ve tried to do some research, but I can’t get a straight answer outta that crazy hemisphere!
I’m fine with the quote button. What about multiple quotes from more than one post? I did those by copying and pasting and putting in the coding by hand. Is there another/better way to do this?
Not an “automatic” way–you still have to Copy and Paste them by hand.
Gratuitous advice follows:
The First Rule of Assembling A Humongous Post Full of Quotes:
Do it in WordPad, or NotePad, or your choice of word processors, and save it before you try to post it. This will keep you from having to commit hara-kiri by falling on your Rolling Ruler[sup]R[/sup] when you spend two hours composing the HPFOQ, and the server eats it as soon as you click on Submit.
Second Rule Of Quoting:
Preview is your friend. And, listen, no matter how sluggishly the hamster is trudging on the wheel, and no matter how many glacial epochs you have to sit through while it’s loading threads, don’t ever think, “Oh, it’ll be okay, I think I did it right”, and click Submit anyway, because that will be the time when you screwed up the coding and your post looks like somebody let a crazed marmot loose on your keyboard. Go get a magazine to read while it’s wheezing its way through the process, or open a New Window and do something else, but do Preview.
Yes, Preview and I are quite close. Last week we barbecued at the Cape together. Hot dogs, brats, boating, swimming, the whole deal. But oh, man, you shoulda seen it! This guy from Utica comes up to us on the beach and he’s all like, “Hey, you guys up for some beach volleyball? Cause word is guys from Albany ain’t up to it!” And you know, I’m not “from” Albany, but some of my favorite potato snacks are based there, so Preview and I were like, **Bring It On, Homefry! ** You know, it’s a pride thing. Maaaan, you shoulda seen Preview! Whew! Diving all over the place, hitting the sand, and talking trash like a garbage commisioner. Then afterwards, he ate seventeen hot dogs! It was just * too * cool. And after all that, he helped me make sure this ridiculous story didn’t internally combust with stray coding.
… and here’s how to falsely attribute quotes (for purposes of example only)
In fact, I never said that… it was TWO weeks ago!
Falsely attributing quotes to other posters is a big no-no.
Actually, “Preview” would be a cool name for a Doper since so many posts ask people to “use Preview” and state “Preview is your friend.”
Your post text continues immediately after the closing tag.
<line break>
So if you resume your text in a new line, that line break gets added to your post as a superfluous blank line.
See the difference…
…see the difference?
It doesn’t bother me with a single quote (OK, so it does ;)), but condensing these blank lines out of a Humongous Post Full Of Quotes will make it look tidier.
Actually, as you can see, the
tag includes a line break.
Interesting tidbit: before the last board upgrade, it was possible to use an unpaired
tag to put in a nice line across your post. You could also use the to put in a dot without the [****list] hierarchy. Neither of these devices works anymore, sadly.
Sadly? Sadly? The asymmetry of those unpaired tags was an affront to the natural order. How many "/quote"s are currently roaming through the ethernet, bereft of companionship, doomed to a life of perpetual solitude? Sometimes I weep at the thought.
tag includes a line break.**
Not really, at least not a real one, it’s the closing </blockquote> tag it generates that implies the following text to start in a new line. Here’s the HTML output of the examples:
sed diam voluptua.<hr></blockquote>See the difference...
sed diam voluptua.<hr></blockquote><br />...see the difference?
(BTW, what’s the <br /> for?)
And just to cheer up Arnold:
just yell when it’s enough…
femtosecond, I completely misunderstood what you were trying to say, and I apologize. You are right of course.
Arnold… What can I say.
White Lightning, dude! You’re back! And broke 1200 posts, to boot! Really glad to see you back, my man. I’d ask where you’ve been, but I don’t know that you’d answer me.