I want to learn to fly small planes and am looking for flight schools in my general area (Northwest Ohio.) I’ve looked online and all I seem to find are schools far away or flight training at universties in which I have to take full college coarses to get a bachelors degree in aviation science. All I want is a pilot’s license.
I know there used to be some around here but for some reason I can’t find out anything about them. I’ve been searching for hours. I live near Toledo Express airport, Findlay Airport, Bowling Green Airport and I know there are some other small ones around here and you’d think with so many small airports someone would offer flight training. So, I hate to bother you folks but I’m asking for help here. A year ago I met a girl who said Bowling Green had lessons for non-degree training but she moved, never got her last name, and I have no idea where she moved to.
A little help would be greatly apprectiated. Thanks!
If that is not what you need, have you thought about driving to Bowling Green and checking it out in person? You need to lookat the facilities, types of planes, and types of instruction offered before you sign up anyway. Different schools have different approaches that may or may not appeal to you.
Most schools don’t require any real committment other than a deposit to get started (at least mine didn’t) so you can switch if necessary. Usually, the first step is to contact the school to schedule a first lesson,sign some waivers, and bring some money.
Here’s theAOPA guide to starting flight training. They want you to join their club, but it’s good info too, with some on where to start training. Good luck!
You might look into joining a flying club to reduce your costs because it ain’t cheap. You’ll be fighting Ohio weather for flying time. When you first start out you’ll need to fly at least once a week to retain what you’ve learned.
We have a suprisingly good program in my community college in Dayton so you might find something in the Cleveland area. Make sure to stop at the old Akron airport AKR) and try the fish sandwhich (if the restaraunt is still there).
I took my first flying lesson at 16 before I ever drove a car. It was one of the best experiences of my life. I’m 32 now and never took further lessons because of the cost but its one of my long term goals to get my pilots license.