How do I get a background check on someone?

My mom has recently become infatuated and is going to marry a man she met last August. He moved in with her in September, asked her to get married in December, and they are planning on getting married in June. They are selling the house that she owns so that they can build a house together. She gets very defensive if we ask her anything about him. We know he is a veteran with mental health issues and he’s been married four times before. So we’re, shall we say, suspicious and my sister and I would like to do as much research as possible before June 16. Where to start?

They’re easily purchased.

Well thanks you two. That was the most boring $50 I ever spent. :wink:

Nothing bad came up?

Zaba will not provide information on his medical history, if that’s part of your concern.

There are some shady operators who can get that information for you, but it’s strictly illegal and won’t endear you to momsie.