How do I get pictures on eBay?

hi everybody!
i would like to know how i can get free pictures on ebay using I used to use auctionwatch long ago, but my wife says they now charge. i am a cheap bastard and want to do it for free. i am using webtv and not a “real” computer, so it has to be as easy as loading the picture from my video camera, plugging in an auction number and presto!

can anybody direct me to the solution?

Ebay has a message board like this under Community. You may want to ask the pros.

What I would do is get a free homepage put all your pictures on it. Right click on the picture after it is on your home page and copy the url and put it in your e-bay auction.

Ebay allows one (1) free picture with their Ipix service, each additional is 15 cents. I have no idea how to do it with webtv, sorry.

I hooked a video camera to the back of a webtv box once & went on the web & sent someone an email photo. But I don’t think that goes with

And if you are on AOL, you can also go to keyword: My FTP Space, to upload your pictures, then put the link in your auction listing.