I moved into a rental home recently and discovered that the person in the unit next to mine is doing meth in his apartment. I think I am also dealing with the health effects of a small amount of fumes seeping into my apt. The neighbor also has loud parties inside and outside the building on occasion. I deeply resent this because I just moved in, am exhausted, and otherwise like my apt. very much. Before I moved in I became aware of a few “incidents” that seemed to signal to me and/or the landlord that he didn’t want anyone living in the apartment. These were minor but were intended as threats to me or the landlord.
The neighbors seem well aware of the situation and have complained to the landlord about both noise and drugs. One is scared and the other has given up. I have complained to the landlord about the noise problem but don’t want to discuss the drugs because I think she already knows about it and I don’t want to put myself in danger (e.g. incidents before I moved in). Sorry. No details of those forthcoming. Either I or my drug neighbor will have to leave. He doesn’t deal from the apt. so there is no traffic issue to document. He covers his tracks quite well, in fact. I also don’t know if the landlord, maintenance personnel and/or other tenants in the building are “In” on the drug part. I have my suspicions. If I can’t get my neighbors to complain with me on the noise issue (safer to make it noise than drugs) I will have to break my new lease.
How can I test my apt. to confirm the presence of small amounts of meth? How do I handle my landlord? Do I go for the peace and quiet enjoyment clause in the lease for eviction of the drug tenant or do I make up another reason for release from my lease and just get the hell out of there? I am very frightened because of the threats, even to the point of not pursuing the quiet enjoyment option. I am also scared that when I move the drug tenant may think I dropped a dime (which I have no intention of doing per safety) and come after/follow me. Help!