How do I get threads readable,

So I took a break. came back and now, every thread I try to read, is about 3.5 inches wide on my 17’’ laptop. How do I get it readable without a million scroll downs.

That sounds like your zoom settings are messed up for this site.

Pressing Ctrl+0 (zero) usually resets your zoom settings. Though you may then need to hold down Ctrl and Scroll to adjust it more.

No way to get the actual screen through, but here is no zoom I can find on ctr[0] or anything else that activates.

The zoom controls in Windows are ctrl numeric pad zero, ctrl numeric pad minus and ctrl numeric pad plus, to reset zoom, zoom out and zoom in.
Whatever you do in other os’s or if you don’t have a numeric pad, I don’t know. I guess there will be a menu in the browser.

Try a different browser and see if you have the same issue on that. It’s not a fix but a troubleshooting step to figure out where the issue might lie.