How do I gt Outlook Express to send an Away message for my vacation?

I won’t be able to check mail or process orders for a week. I’m unsubscribing to e-lists and posting about it on my website, but I want to tell other people that write me what’s going on. How do I get Outlook to send an auto reply to all messages?

First, compose a new email with the subject header and text you want for your away message. Leave the address fields blank and click File > Save As… and save it as whatever your want.

Then Click Tools > Message Rules > Mail. For part #1 scroll down til you see All Messages, and check it. In part #2 scroll down and check Reply with message. In part #3 click the underlined word “message” and browse for the email you just composed and double click it. You’ll have to repeat this for Tools > Message Rules > News.

Then set Outlook Express to check for mail every so often, say a couple times a day. Click Tools > Options > General tab and check Check for messages every: and fill in the information and click OK. Don’t forget to disable the rules when you get back.

Thank you so much!

A few people at work had their autoreplies set over the Christmas break a coupl’a years ago. Unfortunately one of them also had an autofoward set to her PA who had an autoreply set. The whole system got choked up.

Person A received a message which autoforwarded to her secratary. Secretary’s e-mail autoreplyed to person A. Person A’s e-mail autoreplyed to secretary’s autoreply. Secretary’s autoreply autoreplyed to person A’s autroreply and so on. Within a few hours zillions of e-mails ahd been sent between the two servers.

Does anyone know if this problem has been overcome yet?

The problem is basically solved by having the email client only check for mail once or twice a day. At most, 4 mails can be sent per day if you have it check twice.

If you use the Outlook Out of Office Assistant, it only replies the first time to each person you receive an e-mail from.