how do I put a flash onto an html page?

I know its a stupid question, put how exactly do I put a flash on a website (and all the flashes i’ve seen are in SWF, how do I change to swf?)

I don’t quite follow you. Are you trying to embed a SWF file into an HTML document? Is this a SWF you made in flash yourself or did you get it somewhere else?

First of all, if you mean how do you create a Flash animation, you need Macromedia’s editor software. It’s available at for about $400, I think.

If you mean embedding the actual Flash file, you use… (and I really hope this comes out correctly, I know little about how vB handles things like this)

<object classid=“clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000” codebase=“,0,0,0” width=“801” height=“600”>
<param name=movie value=“filename.swf”>
<param name=quality value=high>
<embed src=“filename.swf” quality=high pluginspage=“” type=“application/x-shockwave-flash” width=“801” height=“600”>

This accounts for both NS and IE.

And why do you want to? Very rarely does anyone sit through them, and if they do, it’s only once. It just increases the load time and annoyance factor.

I know, not the question you asked, but it lept unbidden to my mind when I read the OP.

Flash isn’t just used in splash screens. There are numerous sites which employ navigational systems and games using Flash. I will agree that it’s often misused, but a skillfully made Flash page using mainly vector images as opposed to bitmaps will load just as fast as any standard webpage and with broadband connections becoming more and more commonplace, it’s becoming less of an issue.

If the $400 price tag is a little steep, there is a scaled down product called “SWiSH” with built-in effects that allows you to create SWF files for about fifty bucks.

thanks, is there a way to convert .FLA to .SWF because I can’t save in any other format then .fla and its really… huge.

Open the file in Flash, click on File in the menu bar at the top, scroll down to Publish and select it. A SWF file will appear in the same directory as your FLA. You can change the publishing options by selecting Publish Settings.

thanks alot. =) I’m having fun making my mini-threatre stickdeath fights, massive matrix wallbouncing is fun