I got a jar of caviar, how do I serve it? On crackers? With what?
With crackers and capers and pearl onions. Paté’s a good companion.
I forgot, of course, champagne.
I have used it for fish bait.
Depends on what kind it is and how good it is. Lately the domestic stuff has been better and more consistent than the imported. Is it American, Russian, Iranian, or what? Does it have the grade–like sevruga, oserta, paddlefish, etc.?
I’d make blinis, or if you have a deep frier, you can serve it on unsalted potato chips that you make fresh.
I like to take baby redskin potatoes , steam them, cut in half, and top with a dollop of caviar and some sour cream.
Of course, the best way is just with lots of toast points–black bread preferred. You can also just spoon it into your mouth–be caeful to use horn or plastic spoons, as metal reacts and makes it taste wierd.
OK, I spent a few years in Russia and I’ve had a lot of fresh Beluga caviar. I stopped buying it after a while, I heard that the poachers were wiping out the wild caviar, but a couple of times I got 500 grams of fresh caviar, the best, for $50. The classic way to eat it would be on small, maybe one and a half inch square, pieces of bread with unsalted butter on the bread. Butter the bread, then put a glob of caviar on top. A shot of vodka immediately followed by one of these is good. Sorry Ringo but no self-respecting Russian would have champagne with caviar. champagne’s too sweet. A Russian told me caviar and champagne is a western perversion based on conspicuous consumption and not on taste.
How about with sour cream instead of butter?
You put it in a box, with lots of dry ice, and send it to ME.
My favorite way is on toast points with a bit of chopped boiled egg (chicken) and a tiny bit of diced red onion.
Scrambled, with tiny little pieces of bacon.
Sour cream is good. On deviled eggs is also delish, even though it sounds wierd. Basically something very creamy and rich that balances the sharp saltiness.
Put it in a fish-shaped squeeze-bottle and set it on the table next to the mustard and ketchup?
On cracker or canape here. Dry wine goes with most of them…
I’ve tried and tried, but I simply cannot get next to caviar. The texture is bizarre, the salt is over the top, and it’s butt-ugly. Y’all have a good time with it, but I prefer peanut butter.