How Do I Stop Internet Explorer from Opening Several Windows?

a while back, i made a thread asking why sometimes if i close the window when a vBulltein message board shows that message about “you thread is being posted…” internet explorer keeps opening my newly posted thread in several windows and won’t stop until i shut down the computer. well, this happened to me again today. i know the best way to stop this from happening would probably be to stop closing the window. but i was wondering if there was any way to stop the windows without shutting down. i tried closing IExplore.exe using task manager, but that only works for like 2 seconds at most. is there any way i can totally disable IE temporarily from launching?

:confused: Your problem sounds …strange. You shouldn’t have to shut the thing down, though, logging off should suffice. That’s hardly a solution, I know… Have you tried reinstalling IE, getting the newest service pack for IE or switching to another browser - opera for instance?

I can’t imagine what the problem could be, really. Sorry if my answer is, well… useless…

Switch to a better browser? :smiley:

(I use Safari, myself – standards-compliant, supports tabbed browsing, blocks pop-up windows with one keystroke, built-in spell checker, fast as heck, and free.)

Does this help?

A very similar question now: how do I prevent sites from opening other pages, when one closes the browser? Recently, a tattoo site did that dirty trick: one clicks the “X” close button on the browser and you close the page all right, but then 3 others pages open. And no, this conduct does not happen later with other well behaved sites.

I do know that it usually entrails disabling items like Java. However, some features could be needed; any patch or program for Explorer 6, that would just prevent sites from hijacking the “close browser” button?

You mean the porn site problem, eh? The code within the web page causes a new window (or several) to open when you close the first one. No, it’s not done wth Java, but with JavaScript (two different animals entirely).

You can disable JavaScript if you want, but that means JavaScript will not work on any site. You can switch to a better browser (say Mozilla, Firebird or Opera) and configure it to not accept popup windows, although the porn popups might continue with different coding techniques.

Aha! Yes, Opera did the job! And yes, this question was because there was a “teardrop tatoo” (sic) question in GQ.
[sub]Of course, I did notice that problem a long time ago in other sites Duckster![/sub] :wink:

Stop using Explorer! I switched to Netscape 7 even though it is a bit slower (don’t try Netscape 6). The cookie and anti-popup features are excellent.