This is the fifth time in a month (at least) that I’ve gone into our company ladies room and found one of the toilets clogged with paper and feces. I’ve flushed it a few times, once even having to use the plunger to get someones elses crap to go down the drain, while it threated to overflow! :eek:
I know who’s doing it, (there’s only 4 of us here) and I would really like to say something, but its almost embarrassing to have to do so.
I’ve considered leaving a note inside the stall to the effect of:
“Although you may consider what you create to be a work of art, no one else shares your sentiments, PLEASE FLUSH!”
But that would mean I have to go in there now, and flush the gynormous mohone that’s in there now!
Send out a “company-wide” email. That’s what we had to do to get people to stop taking the newspaper in there with them!.
Maybe they just give it one quick flush and scoot out the door and they don’t know that their one flush was insufficient? How do you know which of the four people it is that is doing it every time? And why do you have to be the one to grab the plunger? Don’t you have more than one stall you could use? I don’t think I could ever plunge someone else’s crap.
I sent out a company-wide email on this subject once, excluding all the women. It began “Dear stinky-arsed men” and went on from there. The CEO thought it was hilarious, and it did the job.
Ugh. There is no way in HELL you need to plunge anyone else’s crap, ever. Why, the cleaning ladies in our office don’t need to clean up crap…it’s a big liability thing it seems. When one of them did, the big Head came down and (gently) scolded her, and they sent down a “true” janitor from another site - our cleaning ladies are over 70 years old. But you’re not even hired to be doing that. What would your boss say if he knew you were spending time doing that instead of working?
There is no way in hell you would ever catch me doing that. If it’s not your boss I’d complain to the boss. Let him deal with it. The sign sounds like a good bet, too.
I’ve had to stop going into our shop’s bathroom altogether because of this. No amout of hell-raising has done a bit of good either. Now I use the restrooms off of the showroom (supposed to be for customers) exclusively. I know who it is, too. Funny how I didn’t have that special tool he needed to borrow the other day, just happened to leave it at home.
I’ve always wondered about the motivations non-flushers. Is it a passive-aggressive “fuck you” or some sort of revenge on the world at large? Does some part of them get a tiny thrill out of the idea of someone having to deal with their filth? What do they do when they come upon a toilet filled with someone elses’ leavings?
I’ve wondered this myself, as I had to deal with this situation last year (never did figure out what to do about it, so no advice). In my case I think it was because the toilet was a touch stubborn–not much, but you had to hold the handle down a bit longer to make sure it flushed.
Whatever the reason, it was even more fun when that time of the month came around :smack:
I think this is easier to deal with in a small office, and with only four of you it should be straightforward. I’ve worked in a small office where this was happening. Admittedly it was a rather straight-talking kind of place, but we found loud confrontation to be the answer.
For some people, no amount of polite signs will make an ounce of difference.
So after going through the normal rounds of signs in toilets and increasingly furious emails, we reached the point where one of us would come back into our small office and exclaim loudly ‘who on earth left that disgusting turd in there! etc etc’. This would be followed by the others going ‘oh, that’s disgusting, I can’t believe anyone would do that. Was it you? Cos it wasn’t me. I saw you go in last’. etc etc, you get the drift. This method makes it clearly apparent to the perpetrator that the rest of us are likely to work out who it is, and it clears up the problem very quickly. No one enjoys public humiliation.
Don’t laugh, but I know someone who has done this - he’s really, really, REALLY scatterbrained - it’s not a passive agressive anything - he just goes from one thought to another really really fast, and sometimes just doesn’t REMEMBER to what’s going on in the moment. Last time we saw him at the bar, husband went in the bathroom after him - same kinda situation. Husband asked him about it - he told us he forgot. We believe him. There’ve been other “things” that happened that make us believe him. It may seem odd, but think about an adult who just can’t concentrate - or string a bunch of thoughts together. KWIM?