How do laser pointers work?

Like, what type of light is it? How does it emit a light without a beam? And how is it so bright?

Also, why is the light restricted to red?

Laser pointers do emit a beam, but it’s extremely narrow and red, which means that it doesn’t scatter much on the way to it’s target. That makes the beam hard to see.
You can get green laser pointers, but they’re still expensive. They make good star pointers for telescopes because the green scatters more, and gives a more visible beam. The lower wavelength also makes them more of a hazard to eyes.
I don’t think that blue laser pointers have made it to market yet, but I could be wrong.

I’ve just been looking on ebay for green lazer pointers. I want one!

Heh, I thought there were other colors than red and was doing some googling. I came across this and decided I needed a new toy; it’ll be here Tuesday :smiley:

And after seeing the pics here :cool:

Damn! I blame you for the soon to be sudden drop in my bank account. :eek:

Mind you, If those pictures are to be believed. It’d probably be illegal in most places. Looks like one flash would blind people.

I’ve got the red/green laser pointer from ThinkGeek. It’s bright to be sure. One of my friends who didn’t know about the dangers of laser light, picked it up and shined it in my face. I think my blink reflex was fast enough to protect me from any real damage.

I wish they’d hurry up and come out with the blue ones. A cheap, portable version of this would be great for playing video games on the outside walls of large buildings.

There’s an old saying between those who work with lasers (paraphrasing H. Ford) “You can have a diode any color you want, as long as it’s red”

And another: “Do not stare into a laser beam with your remaining good eye