I was watching this movie where a mom disgusted with the system just up and started a school. The story was real cute and all but it didn’t show any procedure or anything. Or can any yahoo just open a school and thats it? I have googled the subject but have not found anythign that really applies, maybe you guys can help
Yes, generally speaking, any yahoo can just open a school. However, the trick is to get the school accredited, which means that the state in which you open your school agrees that it is in fact a “real” school and that the kids that go there are receiving their proper state-mandated education, that the requirements for things like “two semesters of American History” are being met.
The teachers you hire also usually have to be “certified” by the state, meaning that they themselves have been properly trained in their subjects. Also, anymore, they frequently have to undergo fingerprinting and background checks.
Look up whatever your state is and things like “school accreditation process”.
Here’s some stuff on Illinois high school teacher certification and accreditation.
the link didn’t work but thats ok because I can type it in google
It’s a PDF file, which means it takes forever to load, and you need Adobe Acrobat installed to read it.
Yeah I have adobe acrobat, it just says about blank whenever i click on it