My wife cooked me an excellent dinner tonight, which is nothing new, she’s a fantastic gourmet cook.(eat your hearts out, guys;)) What is interesting is, the steak she served me was not beef, it was turkey. Less than half the calories/fat/cholesterol, yet tasted like beef. How do they do that? Turkey hotdogs taste like regular hotdogs (moreso if you grill them outside) and, though I don’t usually eat regular ham, turkey ham taste very much like regular ham.
So how do they do it?
My guess is chemicals and lots of salt. Correct me if I’m wrong.
So does the adding of a bunch of chemicals and salt trump the benifit of less fat/calories/cholesterol?
I’ve necer seen it made to look like beef, but I’ve always thought turkey was very similar in texture and taste to pork; take some diced pork and some diced turkey thigh and thread it on skewers, grill it over charcoal and I have a hard time telling the difference (if the pork is lean).
Much of what makes ham and bacon taste the way it does is the process of curing it.
ham, bacon, sausage and the like OK but steak - give me a break - NO WAY - I DON’T BELIEVE YOU. You tastebuds must be broken or you have a stuffed nose or you are lying.
He said it tasted like beef, which I can buy. I have a hard time believing it was a close approximation of steak, probably more like a hamburger. While they could get the taste right, I doubt they could even come close to the right texture. Well, at leat not without a lot of fillers and other garbage that would probably ruin the flavor.