How do you do your "Once Over"?

When someone walks by, do you give them the “once over”? Everyone I have talked to about this does and probably has some sort of pattern. What is the order of your “once over” when you look at a member of your preferred sex (That’s about as politically correct as I can get :wink: )? Where do your eyes go first? Second?

The scenario is that a person is either walking toward or away from you but no social interaction occurs. Otherwise I would mention watching a person speaking with a tongue ring…that’s just hypnotic.

This seems to be my system:

While AttractiveWomen = True

	If Legs = NICE then
		Look(Thighs)  //What can I say, I am a leg guy ;)
	End If

	If Visible(Ass) = TRUE Then
	End If



	If Visible(Ears) = TRUE Then
	End If



End While

I have consciously tried to stop doing this but it appears to be, for the most part, involuntary.

I’m not sure I understand your chart. Anyway, the correct answer is to make it obvious. Trying to be sly will only create an air of suspicion, and no one wants that.

Scenario 1: If it’s someone that you don’t know, walking the other way, first you need to stop them. You can probably do this by standing in front of them.

Scenario 2: If it’s someone that is talking to you stop them in the middle of their sentence.

After you have done the above (whichever fits your scenario), step back and look up and down very slooowly while saying mmmmmmm-hmmmmmmm. You can also nod your head and/or put your hand to your chin. You can do this with either men or women.

I haven’t tried it yet, so be sure to let me know how it goes.

I check out men and women I find attractive but I don’t stare or give them a once-over as I’m too shy to draw attention to myself.

So far as what I look at first, it really depends on who it is and what their most distinctive feature is. I have no sustem.

I say look at the eyes first, for several reasons. If she’s looking at you, you can smile at her. (If she’s a he, you reset your options. In my case, the rest of the once-over is cancelled.) If she’s looking, and you’re gazing hungrily at her chest, she’ll write you off as a drooly-fool. “I’m just a pair of tits to him.” Besides, I make some snap decisions based on her face. If that first impression makes me hear screeching tires, I don’t much care if I talk to her or not, even if she looks foxy from the neck down.

Some of you, I’m sure, are now saying, “Boy, is he weird!”

Famously buxom actress Loni Anderson once showed a talk-show host her test for seeing if a man really cares about her. “Look away from me,” she said, “now, what color are my eyes?” :smack:

In order:

Belt, if present
Bag, if present
Jewelry/accessories, if present
Hair/hat, if present
Make up, if present

I’d tell you what’s going through my mind as I look at each thing but it’s very shallow and you probably don’t want to be bored with the details.

Face. Has she noticed the attention? Yes? Smile, see if she smiles back. Not noticed? Keep going.
Eyes. Has she noticed the attention? Yes? Smile, see if she smiles back. Not noticed? Keep going.
Eyes. Has she noticed the attention? Yes? Smile, see if she smiles back. Not noticed? Keep going.
Eyes. Has she noticed the attention? Yes? Smile, see if she smiles back. Not noticed? Well, she’s probably walked on by now anyway. Besides, if you’ve stared this long, you’re probably in trouble with your wife now. :smack:

Curiousity is getting the better of me and I have to ask…belt?