I’ve asked this question to many of my friends and most men say that the first thing they look at is a womens chest while the women Ive sspoken to say that the first thing they look at is a mans hands of feet. What is the first thing you look at?
Both of my projected escape routes.
I blush to admit that it’s the hooters. Always the hooters.
The forum posting guidelines and description.
This is definately MPSIMS material.
But the answer is “face”. What sort of fucking freak walks up to a bird staring at their tits ?
In the words of the late, great, Jesus Christ - grow up.
Bird, Mr Self-Righteous, really?
I suppose this technically has a factual question. Maybe we need to update the forum descriptions again (What’s the betting this’ll slide from GQ to IMHO to GD to BBQ? :))
Self-Righteous nothing. I’m just not a fucking idiot.
And “bird” is not an offensive word, anymore than “bloke” is. It’s not like I used “bitch” or “ho”.
Don’t get your panties all in a knot.
Face, of course. You’ll see it much more often than anything else.
If you’re a bird watcher, you often watch tits.
I’m a coastal fruit watcher. I lie on the beach looking at melons.
Depends on distance and what she’s wearing.
The face is going to get lots of attention. The entire-body-silhouette is gonna get scanned, too. How she walks, how she moves, facial expression.
But I do ogle:
If she’s wearing pants that fit, the “V” shape in the front is going to be the focus of lots of ogling. That and the surrounding ( ) and the @ above it if midriff is showing.
I might or might not even notice whether she does or doesn’t have tits, to be honest.
Gee, you boys make me wanna start wearing muumuus.
Always the face, for me. I suppose that’s what sets our genders miles apart… sigh
It is lineal. Homo Sapiens look to the Face. Then eyes travel downward, Breast or torso, Waist or abdomen, then when we get a chance Buttocks, then thighs, calves. I defy any woman to prove she actually noticed a man’s hand’s or shoe size before she saw his face and general physique.
Don’t you think the cage is a bit hard to conceal?
For me, it’s the face. No question there. A good-looking face trumps everything.
There is a strictly factual answer to this question, and it is the product of a highly complex calculus balancing numerous mutually inclusive variables. These include: angle of approach, distance from target, obstacles in the line of sight and their respective transparency, personal predilections for particular physical attributes, and whether you are prone to noticing a person’s best or worst feature first.
Of course research shows that 98% of the time it is in fact the hoo-hoo’s that get first notice.
Most men I believe do it (if only for a split millisecond) not out of disrespect towards the lady, but out of shere habit that began in their teenage years and for some reason became a “trained reaction”. Many men probably do it without even realizing it. I’ve asked this to many of my friends and the majority of them say that if they do catch themselves doing it, they admit its only at a rapid glance and often only at close range (especially if she is very “gifted” in that area)…no offense intended.
Now the ladies that Ive spoken to all say that they aften find themselves looking at a mans hands or feet first, and the majority of them started that they have absolutely no reason why they do it…
For all the ladies in here, if you would, could you please chime in on this and help us out a bit. What do YOU first physically notice about a man at first glance?
You men feel free to chime in on this as well
As there are teaspoons of water deeper than me, I’ll admit the the first thing at which I look is his clothes followed very closely by his shoes.
It’s more than a single attribute, I think. I mean, a person is going to notice certain things first, eyes, breasts, legs, face, etc. but there is something more at work here.
Let me explain – looking at a person, I can usually determine whether it is a man or a woman at quite a distance. Too far away to identify them, or notice details, but I can usually tell if a person is female or not. If I had to hazard a guess, I’d put this distance at 200 to 300 feet. Sometimes I’m wrong, but maybe 90-95% of the time I’m right. I don’t think it’s clothes, eyes, the face, or anything else that’s been mentioned so far. What is it that I’m picking up on to make this determination? At what point do you know that it’s a person of the opposite sex that is approaching you?
I look at my watch.
I usually look at my wife. Most everyone else is a let down after that.