How do you like your tea?

I like to add mint and maybe a tiny bit of sweetener if there’s not enough in the bag.

Black, strong, with milk; Yorkshire Gold.

Ice tea, weak, plain.

Always hot (or, decently warm, rather, so I can sip it quicker if I want).

Regular, or green, tea: weak and black, no sugar.
Oolong: weak and black, no sugar. Or somewhat strong and black works too.

Hot: black.

Iced: a bit of sweet-n-low.

Hot: black, no sugar, not too strong

Iced: no sugar, with lemon

Hot black tea needs milk and sugar, otherwise it makes me queasy. Earl Gray I can sip, but I prefer sugar in all tea. Don’t care for lemon…When I was young, 14 or so, I had a habit of a pre-bedtime cuppa tea with evaporated milk in it - I punched a tiny hole in a little can just for this purpose. Gave the tea a unique taste, I should try it again.

Ice-cold. Nothing in it. No sugar, no lemon; nothing.

Probably because the mess it up by putting sugar in it. :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t take coffee, I’m an ‘only tea’ person. And my tea of choice is orange pekoe, no fruity flavours thanks! Lipton Yellow Label, is my go to. But I also fancy Dimla (from Sri Lanka), and Boh (from Cameron Highlands) and I always take sugar and milk in my tea.

I also like iced tea, but it’s got to be: sweet, homemade and over ice! And I adore real ginger tea,(It’s like the most comforting drink ever!), the kind that’s just ginger and honey, no actual tea leaves or bags!

(My first answer, to; “How do you like your tea?”, is, “In a pot, on a silver tray, with milk, sugar and a cup and saucer!” A newspaper would be nice too!..and that’s pretty much Saturday morning at my place!)

Hot, black, strong, with a spoonful of honey or sugar, and absolutely nothing else. No lemon, or orange rind, or bergamon, or smoke, or any of that nonsense. And no milk.

Tea is probably the closest thing I have to a religion. I would be willing to give up just about anything else (chocolate, wine, you name it) but I would be bereft if I couldn’t have my lovely cuppa.

I always drink tea with milk, no sugar (unless I happen to drink herbal tea, which is rare). The perfect milk-to-tea ratio is crucial, of course. I once saw a brilliant poster showing different cups of tea with various amounts of milk, all labeled with names like paint colors (burnt toffee and names like that).

Three or four drops of tea in my glass full of ice and sweetener. :wink: Gotta feed the tooth.

I was converted to a tea-drinker by my running partner, who grew up in Ireland. So, I drink it the way she does: hot, strong, black (usually Irish Breakfast or English Breakfast), with a splash of milk (no sweetener).

Hot, black, not too strong, with honey and sometimes milk, if the mood strikes me. I’m mostly a coffee drinker, though.

Oh, and iced tea just doesn’t ever call to me, but on the extremely rare occasions when I drink it I don’t take sugar.

Iced, with lemon.

Just like Picard - Earl Grey, hot.

Unless I have a tummy ache…then I go for peppermint.

Yep, me too. (I use artificial sweetener.)

Ordinary hot tea I like strong with a very small amount of milk only. Herbal teas/tisanes I have straight both hot and cold. During summer I always have various bottles of cold brewed unsweetened iced teas in the fridge.

Green. Iced. With gin. Just a touch of sweetener - sugar or whatever.

I’m saving tea connoisseurship for my upcoming golden years. My mother recently tried introducing me to some weird thing called “Teavana,” (?) complete with a stupid nonfunctional French-press looking thing. I remain unimpressed.

Thus far, I like my version of “builder’s tea” (Lipton brewed too long in a mug, with lots of sugar and a little milk) or “Grandma tea”, which in my parlance means strong black tea with no sugar or cream, just a healthy dollop of orange or lemon juice. “English breakfast” tea is my favorite overall for this. But I’ll do Lipton or even Red Rose (they used to give out these cute little china figurines in the package!)

Best served with some shortbread, Royal Dansk bikkies, or those “bourbon creams” (chocolate biscuits) when I can get them. Screw Oreos, btw. Bourbon creams are the bomb. Ok, actually, lots of things go well with Grandma tea. English (!) muffins with lots of butter…those almond windmill things…remember those soft Archway cookies with the raspberry jam (before they got bought out)?

I also still enjoy “sun tea;” for the uninitiated, that would be cold-brewed tea, cheap strong black pekoe, left out in a pitcher for a while in the window, and eventually served over ice with a little lemon and sugar. Lipton, Red Rose, or Luzianne. Not quite the same as Southern sweet tea, but was as ubiquitous in the Midwest not so very long ago. I heard recently that it’s a health hazard, but I don’t buy it. (Seriously…tea bags left for an hour or two in water will give you food poisoning? I’ll risk it.)

It depends on the tea. Generally, black tea (orange pekoe or an English breakfast) with milk (not cream) and no sugar. Sometimes, I will crack a cardamom pod and let that steep with loose tea. Sometimes, I add ginger while steeping. Best served with a stroopwafel that has been placed over the cup to warm up the caramel.

A real masala tea, not out of a box, is excellent.

Some green teas take milk well, others should be plain.

In my tiny world, cold tea must be black, fresh brewed, no sugar, no lemon.