We’ve just gotten ourselves a new buffet for the dining room area, which is where our fish tank currently resides. It is mutually agreed that the fish tank would look much better on the buffet – the tank currently sits on a stand that is smaller and a much less attractive color than the buffet.
Now, I’m sure conventional wisdom says that the thing to do is to relocate the fish to temporary storage, empty the tank, move it, refill it, and then put the fish back in. But we want to avoid that procedure for a couple of reasons:
The fish tank is literally right next to the buffet where we want to move it. It seems silly to have to go through all that to move the tank a total of four inches up vertically and maybe three feet horizontally.
Calling our fish “skittish” doesn’t even begin to cover it. We have a goldfish who is about 8 inches long, and he gets a little freaky whenever we’re in the tank. Also, we don’t have a net big enough to haul him even if we wanted to. But he’s the lesser of the two evils. Our other fish is a type of catfish. He’s closer to 10 inches long, blind, and psychotic. Our local store has told us that this is typical behavior, but whenever he panics, he launches himself around the tank at full speed, slamming himself violently against the sides and usually hurting himself in the process. It is very disturbing to watch, and it can happen with little or no warning. So the idea of trying wrangle him out of the tank is almost frightening, but the idea of trying to move the tank with him in it is equally so.
So I guess my question is two-fold. First, from a physical standpoint, is there a practical way to move the tank without emptying it? It’s a 29-gallon tank, so we’re talking about 240 lbs. I assume a couple of strong guys could manage it, but maybe there’s something I’m not thinking of. Second, is there such a thing as a fish sedative we could use before taking on such a task? Or should we give up altogether on the idea of moving them while they’re still in the tank?