How do you plan to spend election night?

And the News next morning.
BTW–voted already.

Your’e a whole lot more optimistic than I am.
I don’t think it will be overwhelming, I don’t think we’ll know on election day, and I don’t think Trump is toast.
Biden’s got barely a 5% lead in the most important states. The polls all admit to a margin of error of 3%… That makes it only a 2% lead.
And at least 2% of the absentee ballots will be invalidated

From a New York times article back in 2012, (paywalled, but readable if it counts as one of your 5 free articles)

Add in this year’s criminal activity by the Republicans to make voting difficult… so I expect a full 5% of the people who want to vote won’t actually succeed in getting their vote counted.

Me, I’m gonna spend election night sleeping… 'Cause on my side of the planet it will be 3:00 am when they start counting.And when I get up to go to work I’m gonna be kinda nervous when I look at the news.

I shall be glued to MSNBC every minute. If we get a favorable result on Election night and as Biden approaches 270, I’ll begin recording Fox to savor their tears at a later time. If Biden wraps it up with the 11:00 calls for the west coast states, I’ll set off a couple small fireworks I have saved for the occasion. If it takes longer than that, I’ll go to bed and set the fireworks off the next night.

I’ve got no grand plans, however, I am taking November 3rd and 4th off so I can A) get to the polls mid-morning, after the morning rush but when everybody else is at work and 2) so I can stay up late watching the Trump Shit Show that is 100% inevitable right around midnight between those two days. I’ll be watching the festivities on whatever live stream I can find either on YouTube or Prime - I can’t imagine I’ll have trouble finding coverage - while hate/hope scrolling through SDMB and Twitter.

I’m going to have a hard time going to bed if it is not called. I will never forget the election night in 2016 when it began to look really bad. I remember NYtimes had a little meter and it was pointing very much in the “Trump” side when I went to bed.

I woke up in the middle of the night to see if something had changed and it had not.

It sounds all so dramatic, but it was kind of a living nightmare for awhile. I still can’t believe it happened and we’ve seen it be much worse than even expected.

I just hope all the votes are counted and it is a blow-out for Biden this time.

I’m six hours ahead of the East Coast, so I’ll be checking my phone at 6 am Wednesday (midnight on the East Coast) to see what’s going on.

And probably have a very long day on Wednesday as EVERYBODY will want to make some sort of comment. I think I’ll be setting Teams to Do Not Disturb.

As others have mentioned, I hope it can be decided in by that Wednesday. Otherwise I fear 2020 will be the year without end.

Bad news then: Pennsylvania does not even start processing mail-in ballots until the morning of election day. Plus a recent court decision that requires ballots received without the so-called “privacy envelope” must be rejected (with no chance to “cure” the ballot since the omission won’t be know until election day. Plus a legislature who is forming a commission with the power to subpoena election officials while votes are being counted. Plus a legislature that has made threats to pick the states elector’s if the popular vote count isn’t completed quickly.

Pennsylvania finally fixed their screwed-up beer sales laws, now I guess they want to have the stupidest set of election laws instead.

This. With the Ativan handy just in case.

I’ll avoid watching election coverage like the plague, after all we probably won’t know the final official outcome for days to follow.

Oh, who am I fooling, I’ll probably start watching Netflix that evening and will at first dash in and out of CBS news ‘just to have a peek at what’s happening’ between episodes of Frasier. The peeks will eventually turn into longer peeks, until they cease to be peeks at all and more closely resemble stares…hell, around 10pm EST I’ll abandon all pretense and leave the live election coverage on and GAPE at the results.

Drinking the bottle of champagne in my fridge right now, when Biden wins Florida and Trump is gone forever. There, you got a two-fer! :slight_smile:

Probably, watch MSNBC’s coverage from time of the east coast poll closings until 1AM Central, or until Trump starts screaming that he’s the winner no matter what the early results may say, whichever comes first. As others have mentioned, several states may take days to count their mail-in ballots, so I’m not going to spend a whole lot of energy following election night results.

Too bad dead tree newspapers aren’t more of a thing, because the headlines after the results are final should read “Trump Loses” as opposed to the more traditional “Biden Wins”

I’m at the wrong end of the time zones here in London, so will go to bed long before polls close on the East Coast. Heck, Hawaii will just have closed at the time I wake up the next morning. But it’s likely there will be some news by that point.

Given the way the last several elections I went to bed on turned out, maybe I should stay up all night.

I do not have any kind of live TV service, so I will likely have half a dozen news websites open as well as the inevitable SDMB follow-along thread, to get my info. Naturally, I’ll be considerably more apprehensive than in elections past.

This is my plan, too, which I realize doesn’t paint me in the best light. I’m hoping for a repeat of the 2012 Rovian meltdown and another mountain of bullshit. Which one of the Fox “analysts” explained to an interviewer later that he thought his purpose for being on the program was to provide encouragement for Republican voters?

This is why I won’t feel too bad about doing it.

You may be happy to learn (if you haven’t already) that at least this nasty caper is no longer being pursued. They decided not to do it after people kicked up a big enough fuss. And I agree, this would have been bad, since other red states would have followed suit if Pennsylvania was successful.

No mystery about what I’ll be doing on election night. Watching MSNBC for results and following along on the thread here.

On my lounger, watching CNN, with a list of poll closing times by state and which ones have Senate elections.

Oh, wait…that’s what I did in 2016.
Then again, that’s what I’ll be doing in 2020 as well.

One way I can guarantee you I don’t plan to spend it, regardless of the outcome: sober.

Probably drinking but trying not to overdo it like I did last time. I was only planning to have a beer or two and had planned to stay up late enough to watch Hillary coronated as the first female president.

And then Florida happened. And then North Carolina. And Ohio after that. I went to bed with Trump leading in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. I knew he wouldn’t lose all of those and went to bed that night believing he might even sweep the blue wall, which he did. It was vodka time by that point, and I don’t even drink vodka - just happened to have it on hand because my MIL occasionally cooks with white liquor or spirits.

I’ve braced myself for not just a long night but a long week and even a long month or two. We’re an airplane that’s flying right into a supercell thunderstorm and about to hit some severe turbulence. Hopefully we can remain in the air and in tact to come out on the other side of it.

This is pretty much what I had in mind. Add in earplugs.

I truly hope so.

Ha! I still haven’t “absorbed and processed it.” I’ve barely had a good night’s sleep since.