How do you pronounce this Croatian word?

The word is ‘crna’, which is apparently ‘black’ as applied to female things. From googling I’ve found a cite that would have me believe it’s /tsrnah/ or similar, but not knowing Croatian from a hole in the ground I’ll ask here as well.

(If I’ve been given a bad translation, please tell me. Not that I think you guys won’t.)

Your source is correct. It’s pronounced /tsrna/, with a rolling r.

Well, it’s been an hour and no one who know fer sure has come on so …

The Russian word for “black” transliterated intp Roman letters is chornya so I would guess that your word comes in as “chanya” or something along those lines.

Thank you, although I can’t seem to roll the /r/ so soon after the /ts/. I suppose Croatians don’t have this problem, and I can usually roll /r/s just fine when manging Spanish, but this is a real challenge for me.

But that’s neither here nor there.

David Simmons: Thank you. That’s interesting.

Darn. If I had waited just one more minute yBeayf’s post would have been there saving me from making another mistake.

Where in hell were you when you were needed?

And I do a brisk trade in mangling English as well. :wink: