How do you read 'pwned?'

I pronounce it the same way as “owned”, unless it’s part of a pun like the WoW guild Hordecore Pwnography.


For me and my social group (now early 20s, then in my teens) owned and pwned were two different things. If someone owned you, they beat you bad. But it was usually a beating you could recover yourself from. You might own your opponent the next time around. If you were pwned, however, the ownage was so humiliating that you’d best just slink off into a corner and hide because everyone is laughing at your ass.

A practical demonstration:

If my husband beats me in a game of Rainbow Six: Vegas, he’s owned me because our skill level is approximately the same, but I’ve gone into it knowing he’s a slightly better FPS player than I am.

If my mum (who plays Mah-Jong and not much else) beats me in a game of RS:V, then she’s pwned me, because damn but I must have sucked on that day to be beaten by her, and I should probably hang my controller up in shame.

That’s just from the area of the net I hung around on. YMMV, obviously.

I just pronounce it ‘owned’ - or at least I would if it was the sort of thing I was in the habit of saying.

My sentiments exactly- in my head, it’s “Pawned”, but in spoken conversation it’s simply “Owned”, with a silent “P” (which the listener should be able to deduce from the context).

I have, however, been known to describe something as “Owned with a Capital P” in spoken conversation to make the meaning clearer, if it’s not immediately apparent from the context, though…

Why all the people disrespecting a fine word like “pwned” ?
No kids on your lawn need chasing off today ?

Given it’s an internet word, it was never really meant to be pronounced, atleast not originally. Millions of people knew the word before it wes ever used in a meatspace conversation. (Okay, I’m exagerating a little)

There are many words in the English that mean almost the same thing but vary in degree or connotation. I see pwned in the same way.

My son always tells me it means owned (a stupid term on it’s own merit). To me it always reads “im 16 and u r a DOH (said in Homerish)”.

Is this where butchers meet?

What words mean anythimg like owned. Obviously I’m out of the loop.

I hear it exactly the way you do. Like someone really emphasizing the ‘O’ part, they way you would in sports. Likem a jump shot is blocked, you’d say “DenIIIIIED!”

So, I hear it as “pOOOOWned”!

ETA: Oh, wait is misread your’s. I hear it with an “oh” sound as in “ocean” not an “oo” sound as in “poop.”

I tend to read it in my head as “pwinned” and on the occasions when I have heard it said out loud, thats how it had sounded.
Although, not to go into too much detail, but if it’s said with gusto, then the guys I hang around with do tend to say it like
I hate the word, but it seems like the word of the day in the group that I hang around with, I’m sure it will die in a few months… I hope.

Beat me to it!

Poof positive? It pings your gaydar?

Well, there’s sometimes a slaughter or two there. :smiley:

I was refering to the link between pwned and owned.

It’s akin to way we use the words scrutiny and survey for example.
They basically mean the same thing, but one implies a detailed examination and the other a more passive overview.

owned a word that sums up an event that would normally needs a bunch of words. pwned means the same thing with a different connotation.

ROFLcopter? LOLerskates? What do these mean? Oy ve’ :smack:

Mean? They don’t mean anything… that’s the beauty of them! :wink:

I just read it as “owned”.

And, I love it. I love seeing language and spelling change. I love when misused words and misspellings take over. It always reminds me that you can’t fence in language. And I’m sure it sticks in the craw of certain English teachers who I don’t look back on fondly.

I like seeing it as pwn3d even more.


First off, I find it funny all the old geezers who think they’re too good to see a language evolve…that being said, pwned and owned have different meanings in my worlds.

Owned means that you well, got owned – you were beaten. Badly. Badly enough for it to be funny. You, a level 32 noob, went after a level 50 fire giant or whatever – and got in all of 3 hits before you were dead.

Pwned, however, means that not only did you get owned, you got owned in the worst possible way. You, a level 96 whatever, got owned by a level 3 cow because you forgot you were posioned and only had 2 hit points left.

In less gamer terms – being owned is like walking out of the bathroom with toilet paper trailing on your shoe. It’s embarassing to you, funny to others, but you can shrug it off as just something that happens. Being pwned is like walking out of the bathroom with your skirt tucked firmly into your underwear and trailing dirty toilet paper from said underwear. It is something that is mortifying to you, absolutely hilarious to those around you and something which will never be forgotten.

Do I say pwned out loud? No, bot in public. I have laughed and shouted pwned at my monitor while playing certain games, though. Meh…languages evolve. I only ask that we continue to follow the same basic grammatical rules. Punctuation can go the way of the dinosaur for all I care, though :smiley:

Fucking botters.


Add another notch in the ‘Poned’ camp. Dont forget the variations though! To name a few:


I humbly submit this link.

Link didn’t work, so I am still ignorant.