Himself seriously and legitimately doesn’t really want three cats. He likes Stokie a lot (how couldn’t you? Stokie is the most affectionate cat I’ve ever met) but he just thinks three cats is too much. I think he’s coming around to the idea (I mean, it’s not his choice - it’s my house - but I do care about his opinion) but every time Edison hisses at him, which is coming less frequently I think, or he makes all this damned noise, it’s “You have got to get rid of this cat.” And it is really annoying - I don’t want anybody to think it’s just me trying to appease him. The cat makes a hell of a racket.
I don’t mind it at all during the day or whatever, and the cats come nowhere near our bedroom at night (and nowhere near it during the day either until Stokie gets better at the pooping thing - back to the vet tomorrow for second deworm), but our movie watching time is also, by nature, peak kitty activity time. So we’re watching The Bridge last night, which is about people jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge, and it’s a very quiet and contemplative movie, and we had to pause it six or seven times because we couldn’t hear the interviews over the noisemaker. He’s loud, too.
If he’s hard of hearing, then he has hired a sign language interpreter that tells him from anywhere in the house “Mom has opened the cat food!” That took him exactly twelve hours to learn upon adoption from the wild.
That article about change and cats annoying the hell out of you is interesting - I mean, the little guy did get taken in off the street, neutered, stuck in a room with two strange cats, one of whom hates him, etc.
I had not really thought about toys - he hasn’t seemed interested in the toys the other cats like, but that could be because they aren’t his or because he likes another kind, maybe. Maybe he just needs something different to occupy himself with. When he’s in our laps he’s silent (and snuzzly). Dewey cries like that sometimes when we’re watching TV, but he seems to just want a reassuring yell, “We’re in here, Dewey!” and he stops. That’s the infuriating part - what does he want?
ETA - I have wondered if his kind of weird face shape could indicate that there is some Siamese in him. He’s hard to photograph clearly because he’s black and blends into everything, but his muzzle is kind of… long? I don’t know, something about his face.