How does engineering professor Frank Incropera pronounce his name?

Frank Incropera is a world expert on heat and mass transfer. His work is often cited as a reference. How does he pronounce “Incropera”?

Guess 1: all the vowels have short sounds, and the accent is on the “crop”.
Guess 2: all the vowels have short sounds, and the accent is on the “per”.

He delivers a lecture in this YouTube video, in which he’s introduced by Professor James O’Rourke, who announces his name. I didn’t watch long enough to see if Professor Incropera says his name but presumably the guy introducing him is doing so correctly.

Thanks! I presume the intro is correct, too. He says in-crow-PAIR-ah. Glad I asked – I’ve been saying it wrong!

Okay, now that that’s settled, I have a similar one: How is the surname Indrebo pronounced?

Googling it, it appears to be a common Norwegian name, as I find many hits – often, actually, written as Indrebø.