I like to call myself A christian, but I haven’t read the bible very much and to a point where i totally understand it. But this is just on of those many things I want to know. I know certain religions see it certain ways, but if anyone can help that would be nice. No I’m not thinking about going off and killing myself. Just one of the many questions I have as a young person.
Well, speaking from a Christian standpoint, He’s against it basically. Thou shalt not kill applies in this instance. If you want Bible references and such I’d need some time. Some go so far as to say those that kill themselves are banned from heaven, but I’m not sure I’d so that far myself. I like to think of God as more compassionate than that.
Well, from the point of Orthodox Judaism, suicide is a BIG no-no. A suicide forfeits his portion in the World to Come (of course, I’m not putting it past God to make exceptions – I’d like to think the defenders of Masada made it into Heaven).
A priest once told me that suicide is the worst sin of all because it eliminates any possibility of atonement. The act itself makes penance and by extension forgiveness impossible.
Hmm. I need to check with my priest on this one, but I would say that Episcopalians who kill themselves are not too warmly received in the afterlife. Well, actually, they may be very warmly received, because, come to think of it, I was always taught that they go to Hell. Not the nicest thought, but there it is.
My personal view is that it is stupid, and rather arrogant. Putting aside the potential for future reconcilliation with a possible deity aside, it also eliminates any non-divine intervention that might come one’s way.
I can see when it might be the wise course, if you’d lost your wife of fifty years & were going through a long slow painful death from cancer, for instance.
Any posited deity that clung to some hard fast bureacratic rule on His position on suicide without considering the circumstances would seem to me also stupid, and rather arrogant.
I’m not a christian, but was brought up Catholic, and suicide was always viewed as “go straight to hell do not pass go”. Seems most religions agree on this.
Now that was bad, Princhester. Prepare for a barrage of rotten tomatoes.
[Dark Bitterness]
My personal theory is that, without the “no suicide” stipulation, the members of most religions would be so hopelessly depressed that they’d be dropping themselves like flies. It’s necessary for the continued good of the religion that their members feel a need to go on living.
Moderator’s Notes: I think I’m going to move this thread over to Great Debates. Most theological questions will get a better and more in-depth treatment in that forum.
To expand on what I said earlier… suicide is treated fairly harshly in halacha. For example, a suicide (IIRC) cannot be buried in the main part of the cemetary (as you mentioned). In addition, relatives of a suicide do not sit shiva or perform any of the other mourning rituals.
However, in practice, every benefit of the doubt is given to the suicide. Was it really a suicide? Could it have been an accident? Was he in his right mind? Was he ill? Etc. Usually, except in the most extreme cases, this results in the suicide getting a “pass” concerning burial and mourning. Of course, God knows all and judges in the afterlife as appropriate.
The impact of suicide goes far beyond the thud when you hit the floor. When someone commits suicide, they shatter the lives of those around them. Most, if not all, family members of those who commit suicide are completely blindsided by that act. It is one of the most selfish acts one can do.
Also, in Christianity you are saved by your faith in Christ. When someone commits suicide, they are basically saying that they are so hopeless that not even God can save them–an ultimate act of non-faith.
Try looking at it this way: God gives you life. Ask yourself, Why?
As a human, you and your soul are duly enlisted in God’s army, to do God’s work (he works through people). Your purpose might be to have children, to help others, to harvest food… any way you look at it, you are His minion, and are always in His service. You are the Green Beret, the Navy Seal, the elite force. It is of great honor to serve.
By committing suicide, you are rejecting God’s gift of life, and resigning/demitting/defecting/DOR from your duty and post. It’s a boldfaced rejection of what He gave you and asked of you. How do you think the ol’ Gipper is gonna react to your AWOLish actions?
You most likely won’t be earning any merit badges for that move.
All these opinions and yet not one Bible verse to back them up. If “thou shalt not kill” forbids suicide, then why not eating meat, squashing bugs, etc.? Why isn’t there an explicit, specific condemnation of suicide (or abortion, slavery, etc.) in the Bible? It seem to me that Christians have decided for themselves what is right and wrong, sans Bible.
BTW, here’s a quote from the “true” word of God, the Qur’an, expliticly forbidding suicide:
O believers! devour not each other’s substance in mutual frivolities; unless there be a trafficking among you by your own consent: and commit not suicide: - of a truth God is merciful to you. (Sur. 4:33)
Dude, I think you’ve sung ‘Onward Christian Soldiers’ a few too many times. Quite frankly, if I was dying of cancer and God demanded that I stick around to the bitter end, I’d have to ask why She/He/It was such a sadistic bastard. Also, you have to ask yourself if other cultures (the Japanese, for example) where suicide is NOT demonized are ‘wrong’ in this regard. My personal take is that God doesn’t give a damn either way but I don’t really get the ‘religion’ think anyway so my best advice is ‘do what you feel is right’. Don’t let some dogmatic yahoo’s tell you what to do, in other words.
Why does a Christian have more of a right than any of us to share with us the point of view of **GOD???**Just because I don’t agree with the bible, doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t be allowed to say that I don’t think that god thinks suicide is a sin. There are many situations I’m sure that can be presented in which most anybody would agree that suicide is not a sin. Case in point- terminal cancer patient lives every day in blinding pain, wishes for nothing more than to tell her family she loves them and then to ease her own suffering. Terminal cancer patient saves up sleeping pills for a couple weeks and then decides to take the final nap. Condemned to hell? Could you honestly say that this woman deserves to rot in the “eternal pit of hell” because she did this, and keep an honest conscience? I doubt it.
Originally posted by Wrath
**As a human, you and your soul are duly enlisted in God’s army, to do God’s work (he works through people). Your purpose might be to have children, to help others, to harvest food… any way you look at it, you are His minion, and are always in His service. You are the Green Beret, the Navy Seal, the elite force. It is of great honor to serve.
By committing suicide, you are rejecting God’s gift of life, and resigning/demitting/defecting/DOR from your duty and post. It’s a boldfaced rejection of what He gave you and asked of you. How do you think the ol’ Gipper is gonna react to your AWOLish actions? **
So it’s not okay to reject god’s gift of life, but it *is[/] okay to steal the gift of life from someone else, say you’re sorry, and still be welcome at the pearly gates? Ha.