How does this get-rich-quick scheme work?

I recently came across this suspicious but intriguing website at SafeCampaigns DOT com

Something tells me it is too good to be true but I can’t quite understand how it works and have not come across anything similar before so I thought I’d reach out to you all to ask if anyone is familiar with the scheme and cares to explain it to me.

Wow, it’s REALLY loud. I’m not going to listen to that at work.
Also, I’m going to ask a mod to put a warning in there.

Maybe you could describe it instead of just giving us a link.

Yes please don’t hesitate to put whatever warnings you deem necessary, I’m not trying to promote their website, just understand how it works.

Apparently there an app that runs off the server that the creator wants people to sign up for to create affiliate links or some such thing?

If that’s all it is, then I’ll let some better acquainted with affiliate links explain it, but my understanding is that you put a banner ad (or a link) on your site and if someone clicks on it and buys something you get a cut.

My problem is that affiliate links have been around for a long time and really shouldn’t need such a loud and obnoxious website to promote themselves. But then, like I said, I don’t know that much about them. Maybe Giraffe or Ed will notice this thread and be able to explain it better. Also, it’s wise to be weary of any website that tells you you can make $1407 per day. Using an odd number was common scam tactic back in the 90’s. Besides, if using their method could really bring in a half million a year, we’d all be doing it.

Well, if it is touting itself as a “get-rich-quick scheme”, then it doesn’t work at all.

Yeah, honestly I spent ten minutes listening to how there was a vast conspiracy to make me poor and that the narrator had some secret software server that would make me rich and had some rich friends over and over and over. No clue in the first ten minutes as to what they are actually marketing. And no indication as to how long the video is.

Don’t waste everybody’s time like this. Tell us what the product is and maybe we can comment on it.

Frankly, the tone of the video sounds like it is one of the schemes that prey on people who are losing money on other schemes. In most multi-level marketing (MLM) schemes, most of the people spend a fortune going to motivational meetings and buying sales literature, books, and videos about how to succeed. After they’ve spent all the money they have and start to get discouraged, there is a second layer of businesses that tries to convince them that their uplines are all wrong and deliberately trying to keep them down. But if they buy this set of videos, it will explain all the secrets to success that their MLM upline wants to hide from them. The ten minutes I listened to reminded me of one of those pitches.

It’s a scheme called Mobile Money Machines, and apparently has something to do with Clickbank, an “online marketplace for digital and downloadable informational products.” MMM apparently uses something called “CellSqueeze” to harvest mobile phone numbers and get people to opt in to marketing calls or texts, which the marketer can the use to sell Clickbank products. Typical MLM bullshit, it looks like. A handful of people with the real marketing hustle probably do make out like bandits, while the majority lose money and wonder WTF happened.