How early should someone lose their virginity?

Now… in other threads, Aslan has said he’s bi. Now… move that pregnancy to a maybe… and switch the gender pronouns and stereotypes.


Yeah. Funny.


You mean it isn’t?

I thought terminal virginity had no cure and constant suffering involved.

Hopefully 23 yrs. old this year. :slight_smile:

Personally, I’m waiting until I’m out of high school, and encourage others to do the same.

I have enough stress already.

Not all virgins suffer or choose to suffer. Sex can be a “Would be nice” rather then “must have” thing.

I was sixteen and it was pure misery which permanently damaged my relationship with my sister, parents and men in general.

After that I abstained until I met my husband and we waited two years (until our wedding night)

Another vote here for “When you are ready.”

Emotionally and physically, of course, one must be ready. Also one must be able to take the steps neccessary to make sure it is done safely.

Also, while some people surely disagree, I’d say the first time should be in a committed relationship. In the case of my friends, this has rarely been what happened. While I know for certain this is a generalization, I know many girls who have been hurt by the first person they slept with, but no guys. I think there is a hormonal explanation for this, but don’t ask me to provide it.

For that reason, I am reluctantly saying that guys are probably mentally ready for it at a younger age than girls. Another support for this may be that girls have more direct consequences (i.e., pregnancy). While disease is always an issue, few girls are mentally prepared to deal with an unwanted pregnancy at younger ages. And while guys may have to deal with it also, it isn’t growing in their body.

All this being said, it still is on a case by case basis. Some girls may be ready younger, and some guys never.:wink:

Fercrying out loud, lieu, 52? What are you one of those “let the little darlings express themselves” types? Damn liberals.
Retirement age, I say. It’ll keep them busy and I’ll be dead. Works for me.
(Mother of three angels…)

I think that you should be at least 25 years old, and have a good handle on who your lifetime soulmate is.

Curious, what country do you live in? And what is the legal age for consensual sex, military service, and alcohol consumption? And what is your primary credo/ethical system/religion?


If you were thinking about it in 2003, probably by now.

Does sex with a ten year old zombie count as losing your virginity?

Of course, everybody has to make their own decisions… yadda yadda yadda.

Generally, I’d say 16 would be a fine age. Between 16-18 is probably when most people lose it.

Pretty early. Probably in the afternoon before your parents get home from work. That’s what I did anyway and I always make good decisions.

If you have sex with a ten year old zombie, does it count as pedophilia, necrophilia, or both?

I was 18. Wish I had done it at 13, when I had a big ol’ crush on my math teacher.

It would probably count as a felony at least.

When one is mature enough to be married.