How exactly do condoms fail?


IIRC from some discussion I saw, the 3% involves “real life” use, i.e. survey of couples who relied on them. So given the lifestyles that often tend to use condoms, that failure includes “in a hurry”, “oops, we ran out” and “too drunk to put it on properly” (or to remember them).

As I mentioned, “using during frottage” is as likely a fail as “failed to use during frottage”.

The concept of sticking a glop of petroleum jelly up there and hoping to get “accidentally” pregnant is a common urban legend.

If you doing it and suddenly it feels much much better, the condom broke or slipped off.

The condom breakage I’ve seen was with an ultra-thin style (I don’t remember the brand). The ultra-thins seem to be a lot less elastic.

Same with Baby Oil. Avoid using the stuff for a nice rub-down before rubbering up, it stays on your (or her) hands for ages and perishes condoms.

As a promiscuous type (OK, a slut), I have used condoms religiously (erm, not Catholic, obviously) for many years. I have had the odd condom break, every time in a local Swingers’ Club, and each time the lady in question was…um, “well nourished”. I only use Durex or ones that I get from my local GUM clinic - they don’t give away cheap crappy ones, or they will be getting more business, and that’s NOT their aim!

There is nothing quite as disheartening as banging away, enjoying a most satisfactory union, when suddenly it becomes REALLY good. I now know that I have to withdraw immediately and pray I’m the only one who has been in there bareback, even if unintended. I think it is definitely a lubrication issue, though whether it’s down to the lass being a fatso, or because I’m the 7th person who’s had a go on her that night, I can’t be sure.

Sometimes I wish I wasn’t a cantankerous old git who is incapable of holding down a long-term relationship with a nice young lady…

Does your daughter know she was conceived as an oh-shit-the-condom-broke?

My father has used that line, as well as the milk man one, and a few others, for years. I figured he was just fooling around…:eek:

How the heck can you get pregnant by frottage? If that’s the case, I don’t know how many junior-high-school classmates bore my children. Plus I would’ve avoided a lot of soreness.

Many years ago I remember Time magazine reporting (perhaps a Cold War myth) that CIA agents once methodically poked tiny holes in thousands of Soviet condoms in a warehouse in India, hoping that the failure of so many of them would turn the Indians against “shoddy, unreliable” Soviet imports.

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