I’m looking in the different British web-sites of coverage on the blackout, just to see their perspective and what they have to say about it. I noticed that the Register spells it wrong right away, while the BBC spells it right on the first try; but it’s fucked up in their picture.
Fuck, people! You call yourselves journalists yet you can’t even fucking spell the name of a city that’s a fucking capital of a country!
I hate to disappoint everyone, but I was joking. Hasn’t anyone seen “Canadian Bacon”?
[The Mountie explains that Honey has been taken to the capital.]
Boomer: The capital Toronto.
Mountie: No, the capital of Canada is Ottawa.
Boomer: Yeah, right. Do we look that stupid? Ottawa!
Roy Boy: Nice try, Dudley.
Just yesterday in my summer school class, I asked one of the students what the capital of Canada was. He responded “Michigan”…SO you all must be wrong!
I thought it was funny, but intellectual floggings are all the rage around here, and if you don’t meet your quota, you can’t sit at the grown up table.