How hard can it be to spell?

I’m looking in the different British web-sites of coverage on the blackout, just to see their perspective and what they have to say about it. I noticed that the Register spells it wrong right away, while the BBC spells it right on the first try; but it’s fucked up in their picture.

Fuck, people! You call yourselves journalists yet you can’t even fucking spell the name of a city that’s a fucking capital of a country!

It’s OTTAWA, not OTTOWA!!!

Goat-felching fucktards!

That’s in Cannada, isn’t it?

I’m with you, Locks. Why can’t people spell correctly? :smiley:

BBC’s website is notorious for spelling mistakes and gramatical errors. In titles

The capital of Canada is Toronto, dumbass.


Perhaps he was signing his comment? :o

Paging Gaudere ;).

Commiserations Lockz. There’s a Feedback link at the very bottom of the BBC’s page that will enable you to mail them about their mistake.

Ex-PFC Wintergreen – how dumb do you feel?

Perhaps Ex-PFC Wintergreen was just joking and you’ve all been whooshed…?

I really hope so. I really really really hope so.

Maybe they will employ me.

Christ. This is why I don’t post much.

I hate to disappoint everyone, but I was joking. Hasn’t anyone seen “Canadian Bacon”?

[The Mountie explains that Honey has been taken to the capital.]
Boomer: The capital Toronto.
Mountie: No, the capital of Canada is Ottawa.
Boomer: Yeah, right. Do we look that stupid? Ottawa!
Roy Boy: Nice try, Dudley.

It might have something to do with calling someone a dumbass in the hope that they will get some obscure joke.

Just yesterday in my summer school class, I asked one of the students what the capital of Canada was. He responded “Michigan”…SO you all must be wrong!

It’s ‘C’

I thought it was funny, but intellectual floggings are all the rage around here, and if you don’t meet your quota, you can’t sit at the grown up table.

Geesh, you expect them to know things about CANADA? I mean, come on, I’m surprised they even know where it IS, all tucked away down there…

I hate using emoticons/smilies but they serve a necessary purpose on the faceless web.

You should post more often, at least you have a sense of humour.

Isn’t Canada one of the United States? Right after Alaska and Hawaii?:wink:

Yes, I think you’re right. You’re talking about the 25th and 13th provinces to join Confederation, aren’t you? :smiley:

Are they part of the Union or the Confederacy?