How has Former President Trump pissed you off today?

Heh. He’s right here next to me, doing his best to slip his long tail under my chair wheel without my noticing. He’s not into hugs but says thank you for some extra chin skritches.

Is that the little fellow in your avatar? Otherwise, given that we are in the pit, I’m going to have to call you all sorts of foul names for posting mention of your cat without photographic accompaniment.

Wait, no, the avatar is Schooner, departed this vale of tears and catnip a couple of years ago, alas. Buster is a tuxie, now 13 years old, and I do mean old; he’s an OLD old cat.

Lemme see if I can upload an image:

Dammit, no, I get the photo uploaded but when I hit “Post” I get a message no can do. If I link to a photo on Facebook will that work for you?

Edit: Testing FB link:

Ooooo! Cute fellow! Interesting position of back legs…

That’s because he has spinal/hind end arthritis. The lone feeler on his face above his eye is because he’s had a couple of operations to remove benign cysts there and on other parts of his body. He’s got chronic renal disease, hyperthyroidism, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, recurrent dental disease, and the sweetest, most laidback disposition you could ever ask for.

He came with his dwarf sister Stache (Yes, dwarf; my vet took one look at her and said “Do you know your cat is a dwarf?”), who merely had chronic renal disease and hyperthyroidism; alas, she went on to develop bladder cancer and had to be euthanized a couple of months ago.

Hey! This time the photo loaded! Dammit, I’m still figuring out this new website’s ins and outs.

I thought it looked like he had trauma to his hips. I used to feed a neighborhood kitty who had had a broken hip at some point and when he sat, one of his back legs would stick out like that. In fact, Littlefeet looked a lot like Buster. He disappeared a few years ago.


Aw, what a sweet face.

But we’re getting off track from the thread topic. So what else…

Oh, there’s just too much to be pissed off about! There’s the go-ahead for drilling in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge, the insane push for in-person back to school, the blatant corruption, the thundering herds of incompetents and malicious saboteurs he’s thrust into every nook and cranny of the government, his gutting of the rule of law as aided and abetted by Barr, his…

Screw it all. I’m gonna go feed the cats and read a book.

The juandice jackass announced he will not only win the 2020 election but will run for a third term:

We are going to win four more years,” Trump said. “And then after that, we’ll go for another four years because they spied on my campaign. We should get a redo of four years.

Of course, he wasn’t happy with–or capable of leaving it at–one lie. He repeated his bullshit about being Michigan’s man of the year (same link as above):

I was ‘Man of the Year’ eleven years ago in Michigan. I don’t know why but they picked me.

So, trumpeters/magats/Rebublicans, do you care to lay out in an intelligent, logical, reasoned, and honest manner why you will vote for this piece of crap?

And now the canteloupe clown wants to hold his brother’s funeral at the White House. If you read the link, you’ll already see how he’s planning on making that a political stunt, too.

That’s because nobody in the entire history of humankind has ever had a younger brother precede him in death. He’s grieving, dammit! Can’t you see the tear in his eyes?

They’re almost as big as that time he cut off the medical care for a nephew’s son.

It’s not even his, he probably stole it from a crocodile.

He was so shaken up by his brother’s death, he had to spend an entire speech talking about how his brother approved of everything he’s done as President. Then he went and played golf.

They honestly believe Democrats would make things worse.

OK, I can’t say this pisses me off, per se, but isn’t he pardoning Susan B. Anthony for voter fraud?

Yup, it’s true: Trump: Susan B. Anthony to get posthumous pardon | Fox News

He’s just priming the pump for committing election fraud against the entire country.

Trump adroitly points out that more people have died of COVID-19 than Michelle Obama said in her DNC speech last night:

Must give credit where credit is due.

Of course the speech was recorded a few days ago, when not quite so many Americans had succumbed to Trump’s bungling of the pandemic.

Poor Donald (and his advisers/enablers). He desperately needed something in Michelle’s speech he could criticize. And in the end he had to settle for ‘she didn’t give me credit for as many deaths as I’ve actually racked up.’