How has Former President Trump pissed you off today?

This doesn’t make a lick of sense. What possible legal justification could they have for naming electors as defendants?

Hoping they’ll drop out?

I have been searching for this court filing all day with no luck.


The case is Law v. Whitmer in the First Judicial District Court of Nevada.

I predict this case will go as well as all the others. DumpsterFire was 1 out of 25, and then the 1 was overturned on appeal.

IOW standard Republican behavior these days.

“Legal justification”? :rofl:

In other infuriating news:

BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) — Down to its final weeks, the Trump administration is working to push through dozens of environmental rollbacks that could weaken century-old protections for migratory birds, expand Arctic drilling and hamstring future regulation of public health threats.

The pending changes, which benefit oil and gas and other industries, deepen the challenges for President-elect Joe Biden, who made restoring and advancing protections for the environment, climate and public health a core piece of his campaign.

“We’re going to see a real scorched-earth effort here at the tail end of the administration,” said Brian Rutledge, a vice president at the National Audubon Society.

The proposed changes cap four years of unprecedented environmental deregulation by President Donald Trump, whose administration has worked to fundamentally change how federal agencies apply and enforce the Clean Water Act, Clean Air Act and other protections.

Most of the changes are expected to sail through the approval process, which includes the White House releasing the final version and publication in the Federal Register.

Well, he will be. For part of the month.

As far as Donnie is concerned this is the best part of being president! No sitting behind a desk, no listening to boring people talk about boring shit, no needing to go to meetings with people you don’t like (some of them not even white!), no need to do anything except tweet-tweet-tweet and watch everyone scramble to interpret your wants and do your bidding. And all that from your seat on a golf cart! It’s what he has wanted all along. Don’t even have to pick up a Sharpie! It don’t get any better than this!

Many, many thanks!

Agreed. Having read the case filing (thanks, Great_Antibob) the complaint seem to be mainly about a) some sort of issue with an automated signature-matching machine; b) vague-described irregularities with electronic ballot-casting devices; and c) again vague accusations that Native Americans were being bribed to vote for Biden. As far as I can tell, the electors had nothing whatsoever to do with any of these issues, so it would seem that even if the plaintiffs have some sort of case, they’ve named the wrong defendants.

A few days ago Biden was asked about his exclusion from daily security briefings and he wasn’t concerned at all. He pointed out that it wouldn’t matter because he can’t do anything about any of it as there is only one president at a time. Also, I suspect he’s getting all the information he needs through back channels, and his experience and connections will make up for anything missed. Trump’s crew has nothing to contribute anyway.

From my post on this thread:

Number six:

Finally, Biden absorbs rather than magnifies chaos and conflict.

IOW he doesn’t take the bait.

I love the Bolton quote near the end. You’ve got to hand it to the guy - he knows how to craft a soundbite.

That fucker will receive taxpayer-funded office space, pension, health care, physical protection, and probably other goodies for the rest of his worthless life. All for spending 4 years tearing the country apart.

Please tell me that Melania and the children will not get lifetime Secret Service protection too. Please tell me not. I couldn’t find much about it. Seems that children of former presidents do not get Secret Service after age 16 so hopefully that rules out the adult grifter children, in-laws, and grandchildren.

Correct. It’s lifetime protection for former presidents and spouses.

So if his parasites offspring want protection after pop-pop is incarcerated, they need to hang out with Melania. Hopefully, in Slovenia.

We all know the Trump campaign is suing individual electors in Nevada, right?

Turns out one of them is a homeless veteran. Trump and his campaign have absolutely no class, no morals, no ethics, and no sense of common decency.

Do Ivana and Marla get Secret Service protection?

No. For more, see: