How has the disgraced former President Trump pissed you off today?

All horribly and dismayingly true.

There IS a growing chorus of legal professionals urging Merrick Garland to, you know, actually uphold the Constitution, instead of continuing to give America’s Greatest Shame a pass:

Of course it’s always possible that Garland is doing something but has tight control over DOJ leaks. We can hope so, but it’s important that so many are speaking out to Garland. It’s a problem if Garland is convinced that doing nothing about Trump’s attempt to overturn a valid election is ‘the higher good’—it isn’t.

I strongly agree.

Chump recently demanded Biden “resign in disgrace” over Afghanistan. My take is he could not care less about that country, he’s just mad that the coverage has bumped him off the air. He cannot stand not being talked about in the news.

I hope the investigators are still relentlessly doing their thing during this recess. It would be nice if Chump’s next explosion into the news cycle was a flurry of indictments.

Individual 1 says he will invoke executive privilege in order not to answer the subpoena for him from the 1/6 committee.

Individual 1 says Bin Laden wasn’t that bad, and his attack on Soleimani was more important than the death of Bin Laden.

I saw a headline about that this morning from the Washington Post. My first thought was, “Yeah? So what? Big deal. Trump flapping his face again. Why on earth would the WaPo report on that?”

I really really want him to just shut up and go away. (insert pony reference)

And it’s time for credible mainstream media sources (I’m lookin’ at you, WaPo) to STOP reporting every brain fart that he expresses. It’s not news anymore!

The same Republicans who would have aneurisms and demand the impeachment of Joe Biden for saying OBL wasn’t that bad, will assuredly shrug this off.

Hell, I imagine that some Republicans will openly embrace bin Laden now, and elevate him as one of their heros.

It seems like the twice impeached one term loser has slipped his leash or something. So far this week……. And it’s only Tuesday. I think the pathetic delusional loser actually believes he’s going to be restored to office.

This last week or so is the first time that Biden’s approval numbers have slipped substantially (though some indications are that people are blaming him for the Delta variant, rather than blaming him about Afghanistan). At any rate, it has to be encouraging for Donald.

And at the same time the Congressional January 6 investigation is getting a lot of news attention. It can’t be lost on Donald that his legal situation is about to become more precarious.

So--------hit the airwaves! Tell everyone that they’d be better off with the guy who Conquered Covid* and Would Have Aced the Afghanistan Withdrawal**!!!

  • *no.
    ** also, no.

I’m not being snarky and I’m not trying to express hyperbole, but in those articles you quoted… I think he is honestly suffering from dementia. I know people have suggested it before but that stuff was the kind of thing you get put in a home for.

I am sure people will tell me, “Oh no, the right is so dumb they’ll nominate him and vote for him in droves…” I don’t think so. He’ll have his cult for sure, but I don’t think even the right will stand behind him. I am saying there is a 0% chance he gets within sniffing distance of a nomination in 2024 even if he manages to stay out of prison or the hospital (mental or otherwise). It’s too far now.

How can they tell?

Thanks, Dorothy.

And it almost certainly won’t be the last. If Trump thinks that this is his opening, he’s deluded.

The first half of that sentence has a kind of Mad Libs quality, because you could put anything there—and the second half of the sentence is always going to be true.

It’s not. They will likely nominate someone who makes Trump look like a statesman. There is no bar low enough. I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see Bison horn wearing shaman make a run for the oval office.

I hope it’s very painful.

True and true.

“I will do everything in my power, and especially in YOUR power, to make President Donald Trump Speaker of the House!”. All you need for campaign slogan. Not possible, but when told it’s not possible, “THEY STOLE IT AGAIN” is the next campaign slogan. In comes the money.

There seems to be plenty of it out there.