How has the disgraced former President Trump pissed you off today?

That sucks. Pull your car out of your driveway and park in the street cause you just know those yahoos will be parking you in.

As was so eloquently stated by a Trump supporter back in January, 2019:

They’ll have plenty of parking at the fairgrounds they are using. If there was some bizarre circumstance that they were trespassing and blocking my driveway, my fantasy would be using my tractor to move the offending vehicles out of the way. If I’m nice, I could even leave them right-side-up.

Possibly interesting anecdote about that quote: the reporter who wrote it up seems to think it’s more nuanced than the public did.

Methinks the lady doth protest too much (“the lady” in this instance being Ms Mazzei). SHE’S the one who put that quote into print, isn’t she?

Seems to me that she regrets making a hurting woman come off as a monster

Oh, I agree.

The NYT article in the tweet is paywalled. What’s it say?

Fly a Ukrainian flag while doing it.

Gift link:


I didn’t really mean that. I’m just an entitled racist moron that can’t help myself.

I’ll tell you one thing for sure. If that bastard Chump ends up NOT being indicted for something, then that will put paid to the notion that no one is above the law. Don’t want to make a martyr of him? Fuck that. Maybe you would have been afraid of making a martyr out of Hitler too.

Instead of a bunker, the Orange Bastard will end up croaking in a tanning coffin at Merde-a-Lardo*
*Thanks to the doper who came up with that.

Actually, the XL Orange Sewer Fat-Ball is trying build his outhouse-mausoleum on the grounds of his Bedminster Golf Club in NJ. Neighbors are objecting ( many are saying that it would be built over his dead body ).

( If Only that brilliant @georgeTakei had the answer to that… )

Well, as long as the mausoleum is surrounded by a drain that feeds into a properly maintained septic system …

I can see where traffic might be a problem, though.

You know his family would charge admission for the millions who’d want to pee on his grave.

I’m sure some people are saving 55 gallon drums of urine for just such an occasion. Now, if you’ll excuse me…

Does everyone here understand just how foul and vile pee becomes when you let it stand? Of course you do! So much the better!

Someone here on the Dope said it before me (sorry, don’t know who) but it bears repeating.

His grave could be like Kennedy’s, except that instead of an “Eternal Flame,”
DumbDonald would have an “Eternal Urinal.”

Charge $5 for each visit. It would be a hit, I’m sure.