"How I Met Your Mother" [final season]

I finally watched the finale and I was prepared for “OMG SUX!” but I thought it was fine. But I am one of those people who has been “over” HIMYM for a while but kept watching anyway.

Ted got what he wanted - kids and Robyn. Robyn got what she wanted - no kids and Ted (they’re basically adults now).

As a woman in her 30s with a dog who doesn’t want kids, I’m glad to see that my TV counterpart didn’t end up alone forever. Of course she got tossed to the side for 15 years but hey…I can wait.

I’m not too enthralled with Barney as a dad. I don’t like that trope of “once you see your kid you will fall in love and be a perfect parent forever and ever.” Gag.

Most jarring part was seeing the cast from the first episode during the credits. Holy smokes has NPH aged - in a VERY good way!