How is it that Nevada is the only state with legalized prostitution?

Whenever I hear of all the fomenting of the mouths of the Christian Right, I am astounded that overly conservative state – bordering Utah and went for Bush for president – this state’s unique source of taxable income NEVER comes up.

Why is it that of all the Great Sins, I never hear this one protested against? Why haven’t other states followed suit? Surely it’s profitable. How is it it was made into a government regulated vice anyway?

This is the Nevada Legal Prostitution FAQ website.
You really should be over 18 to go here.
This site first appeared on the old AOL Straight Dope board (Tuba was one of the powers, even then) and it was allowed to stay. Since most of the people in a moderating position then are still in a moderating position now, I assume precedence has been set and this site is acceptable. In fact, if I remember correctly, it appeared when Welfy had a crash and requested links that others found interesting.

If you’ve ever driven across Nevada you’ll appreciate why it has legalized prostitution and gambling.

I have to admit that I’m surprised that Wyoming doesn’t. Western Wyoming, with Jackson Hole and the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone are gorgeous, but if you spend a day driving East-West along the vast open barren plains of Wyoming, with its trailer-park mining towns, you begin to wonder why they haven’t tried the same thing.

Utah, of course, has its heavy Mormon population to help keep out such evil influences. And along the Wasatch Front Utah is downright gorgeous. The reason that Wendover Nevada even exists, I’m convinced, is that it’s the closest point on the Nevada border to Salt Lake City. They don’t even have water in Wendover – it’s piped in from 20 miles away. (Wendover has gambling and liquor, but not prostitution.)

Doug: Thanks for the link, it was certainly informative. The only bit of information missing from the FAQ is how and the why – How did prostitution become legal in certain counties in the first place (I admit, I thought it was legal statewide) and why is it I never hear more protests about its existence?