How Liz Cheney can hold her seat

  1. She runs in the WY GOP primary 2) Maybe she wins there (problem solved) but probably not. 3) she then runs as an Independent–since she’s got some support among the GOP (not much) and the Independent voters of the state, she can probably cobble together at least 10% of the total vote running as an IND, maybe up to 20%. 4)THIS IS BIG–instead of running a sacrificial lamb in the general election, the Dems endorse Liz Cheney.This must (to judge from recent election results in WY) add another 30%, maybe 35% , to her total, giving her a fighting chance in a head-to-head against the GOP Trumper conspiracist running against her. Could this work? I’ll explain why the Dems would do this, if you can’t see why, and how it would work.

I’m a pretty pragmatic Democratic voter, but there is no way I could hold my nose tight enough to vote for Liz Cheney, even if it meant some Q-Anon wacko winning instead.

The Wyoming Democrats (the few of us there are…) have literally nothing to gain from endorsing Liz Cheney, or any other Republican.

Doesn’t matter who gets the R tag, they will win Wyoming comfortably.

And I’ll explain why it won’t work: Massive campaign by the Republicans stating that the Democrats have no viable candidates of their own so they are stealing from the Republican castoffs.

Does Wyoming have a sore loser law?

Ah, of course, you have much to gain by voting for Liz Cheney: Dem control of the House of representatives. All by itself, it makes a world of sense for you to support her vigorously. You’re never going to get a Dem congressman elected anyway. This is your one shot. You’re not stupid.

Now ask me why it’s in the interests of the Dem party to endorse her. They’re not stupid either.

Dunno. But if they do, then she simply doesn’t run in the primary to begin with. She ain’t winning any GOP primary in WY at this point.

Do you really think she’s going to caucus with the Democrats? She’s going to vote like a Republican even if she doesn’t lie like one.

Dem response: That’s right, we have no viable candidates of our own. And you have no sane candidates of your own.

This is a situation where the Dems have literally nothing to lose.

And nothing to gain.

And nothing to gain. And again; the ‘R’ will win Wyoming.

This has a small chance of working if the Democrats control the narrative.

Ah, here’s the beauty part. In exchange for the Dem endorsement, she agrees to vote her conscience on every single issue EXCEPT if the Dems need her vote to break a tie. The Dems should do this because the alternative will be to have a GOP Congressperson who will vote against them 100% of the time, not 98% of the time.

This partial quote will spread like wildfire.

When was the last time there was a tie vote in the House?

…I honestly can’t figure out if this is some sort of performance art.

So what? It’s the 10th-worst change the GOP will make against the Dem candidate who is guaranteed to lose the seat. Absolutely nothing to lose.

Recall that she endorsed torture. She is not a good person.

Is Wyoming really that Trumpy? It’s very very very Republican, but I don’t sense it being super fealty to Trump.

I think Cheney could still win as a representative from WY.

What do you estimate the odds that a Dem other Liz Cheney will be elected to congress in 2022? Do we have enough zeros for you to compose your answer or do we need to use exponents?