How long does advocaat keep?

It’s made of egg yolk and cream in addition to the booze. Does the alcohol keep it from spoiling? Once you open it, can you keep it a good while? How long? Is it like Bailey’s? We had some for years, but it eventually turned clotted. Bad sign. I’d like to make a snowball - the drink - and it uses advocaat. Sounds delicious. I’d like to buy some but want it to last for more than a couple days. Dopers? Any info? xo,

A month or so, I believe. Maybe longer if refrigerated.

I looked at a couple of recipes for homemade advocaat and they seemed easy enough. If it were me, I’d probably try making a small batch and seeing how it turned out. Then you’d be able to make only what you need for the drinks and not have to worry about using up the rest of it.

Ages, certainly over a year once opened and I’ve never refrigerated it.
My wife is fond of it in a “schneeflocke”. Heat up using a steam nozzle on a coffee machine and top with whipped cream. Drink with a straw, preferably in an Austrian mountain hut.

Around my house? Maybe a week. In theory, it lasts a fair bit longer than that, but not if there are living, breathing, thirsty people in the house.

This year, I made Aged Eggnog during the first week of November. “Heavens!” I thought to myself as I read the recipe, “it makes an entire gallon! Maybe I should only make a half recipe.” After conferring with Mr. Athena, we figured we could give it away in small bottles at Christmas if we felt we had too much.

Of course, you know where this is going. We had to make the second batch the day after Thanksgiving, because we were already out.

I appreciate the stories that vouch for its excellence, but my question about how long it lasts has to do with the safety and integrity of the ingredients it’s made of, not how long you can keep it in the house with people who love to drink it. Egg yolks, sugar, etc. tends to spoil after a while. How long does it last before it goes bad?