My roommate is considering applying for a job with the local police department. He is very worried that he will get in trouble as a result of his occasional use of marijuana. They are going to drug test him, but he smokes maybe once a month. Will this still show up on the test?
Note: I am not encouraging the use of illegal drugs, merely inquiring about the effects of them.
A lot depends on the type of test used. There are “quick and dirty” tests using a dip stick that are cheap, but not very accurate. These typically will have a high limit to avoid false positives. You might set the bar at 50 nanograms of THC metabolites per milliliter of urine. These might show drug use in the last week or so.
Then there are the more accurate gas chromotography/mass spectroscopy (GC/MS) methods. Because of the increased accuracy, you can set the bar lower, maybe to 10 nanograms THC metabolites per milliliter of urine, picking up use in the last month.
Then you have your hair testing, which combined with GC/MS can detect marijuana use months after the fact. Of course, as the detection limit drops the cost increases, so the only question is how hard do they want to look?
My old place of business did the hair test. One job candidate showed up for his test completely shaved - everywhere. He was not offered the job - of course. He tried to sue saying that they were discriminating based on his personal grooming habits. He lost.
I used to run with some well-educated stoners, and the consensus is that it varies wildly. A 30-day figure is what you hear cited most often, but that is just an upper limit at which pretty much anybody will be clean. However, there are a number of anecdotal reports of occasional users who smoked up on Saturday night and tested clean the following Friday.
If it’s less than a week your friend can probably kiss it goodbye. If it’s more than that, he/she might have a chance. If I were faced with this issue, I would try to work the situation to get myself over the 30-day limit.
Mind if I ask what kind of job that was? Big position of responsibility for public safety, or somethign like that? I always heard warnings of companies that used the hair test but never heard of any that actually went to the trouble.
I don’t mind. The job he went for was a sales position. I dunno why they went to the trouble of using hair, but I do know that they did - since they took a snip of my hair as well.
There are many factors that can affect the test. THC is not water-soluble, but is does latch onto fat-cells. So, if you are burning fat (say, getting ready to test for a police physical) then you could have stored THC indicators show up. But if you are being lazy and drinking an insane amount of water (clear pee), then your test might not show much.
What is important here are two things: past and present. I have a good friend who is a good cop. He told me that when he was interviewed for the position they asked him about his past drug use. He was honest. Very honest. THC, LSD, MDMA, Cocaine. But he told them he was all over that and just liked his beer after a hard day of work. Since then, he has not had any other drug in his system other than alcohol and doctor prescribed medications. They hired him. But they also kept an eye on him for awhile.
Your friend needs to make a decision. Pot or Police. Past use - they will most likely be fine with. Future use will be a problem. He needs to think about what he really wants, because, his life will change a lot. His friends will change. Cops stick together. Smoking the occasional joint won’t happen. Even if this is just a computer tech position or ??? he will be surrounded by police, daily. They will either come to like or dislike him, and his use of drugs could become detrimental to his life. Many police might sympathize with antiquated drug laws, BUT they will not tolerate usage. Except for steroids :rolleyes: , cuz that just helps them against the bad-guys.
I have heard that since the detectable substance is stored in your fat cells that a person with a high weight, low metabolism, and is a heavy user may have detectable amounts for much longer than the 30 day standard.
The thiry day standard is based on most people and average to high levels of usage. Extremes can be from less than a week to near a year.
In response to the OP, I’d guess that it’s highly likely your friend will also be asked to submit to a voluntary polygraph exam, while I’m not a big fan of the polygraph I suspect his drug use will be revealed.
I would suggest that your friend stop his drug use and wait several months before applying for a job w/ a LE agency. Even then he should be forthcoming about the previous use.
It won’t show anything except that you have been drinking an insane amount of water, which is taken in some cases to signify an attempt to change the result, and can result in an automatic fail. Many places note the sample of the urine, check the specific gravity, or test it for creatine (to make sure it’s real urine). Don’t be so hydrated that you’re passing virtually pure water. As a side comment, also don’t bother with taking apocryphal “herbal cleaners” like Goldenseal or adulterants like Drano to add to the sample. They don’t work and some places test for them.
When I enlisted in the Navy, I was given a packet that basically said, in very clear terms, that:
1.) If you take drugs at least 30 days before a drug test, you will fail, and will no doubt be drummed out. I believe there might have been something about criminal charges as well.
2.)Drinking water or taking various things will not hide drugs in the system.
I know the military has their own set of laws, so perhaps it is possible but in the civilian world I know you can’t face criminal charges for failing a drug test.