How long for ground beef to defrost?

I want to make hamburgers for dinner tonight around, oh, say 5:30. I just went home during my lunch break at 9:30 and put the ground beef from the freezer to the counter. How long should I leave it out to defrost, and when should I put it back into the fridge to keep it from spoiling or getting nasty. It’s about one pound.

And if a train leaves from Dallas heading west at 2:35, while another train leave Los Angeles heading east at 3:15…sorry, I just realized how much my question resembled a math problem.

You get a lunch break at 9:30 am?

Is it safe to defrost meat on the kitchen counter?

How long can I leave food out of the refrigerator?

Another suggestion:

Meat Handling Basics

Sounds like you better make another trip home during your second lunch break to get that hamburger back in the fridge.

Oh, I’ve done this too:

Put the stopper in the kitchen sink and fill it with cold water. Keep the ground beef in it’s original packaging or if you can put it in a large ziploc bag and squeeze out as much air as you can. Put it in the water and put something heavy enough on it to keep it submerged. I wouldn’t let it sit there all day though.

Have you ever tried the defrost button on a microwave. I have and it doesn’t work, since it tends to cook the meat. Then I noticed that the defrost setting actually put the power level on “3”, so I tried the “1” power setting and damn if it didn’t work like a charm. Do it for about 6 minutes and then adjust according to the amount of defrosting you accomplished. This works on my microwave, and is at least worth a try on others.

:smiley: [sup]and you’re zapping the germs while it’s defrosting.[/sup]

This is the best method bar none, and only takes about 30 minutes or so. There is no danger of accidentally cooking like in a microwave, and you’re not leaving it at actual room temperature so that’s safer too.

I usually defrost meats by putting them in the microwave, so I second the vote. If you put it in on a low power, like 1 or 2, for a long period of time, like 10-15 minutes, it doesn’t cook.