What is the limit? How many characters and spaces can be put in that little rectangle up there? (Not that I’m planning on creating a long-ass title; I’m just curious.)
I don’t know, but if you promise to keep it to one thread, and if you promise to put spaces in it every 15 characters or so (horizontal scroll bar of death!!), you can give it a go right here in ATMB. Just this ONCE
Should it mess up the list or anything, we can always edit the thread title, and you’ll have your answer.
Mr Coldfire, is that once each?
[sub]runs for life, hehehehe[/sub]
Hmm…I’ve been a member here for quite a while now, and I have never thought about this. I’ve never seen it brought up before, either. Now I’m really curious.
waiting patiently
Heh… Of course Coldfire says to do it here; it’s not his forum! I wonder how magnanimous he’d be if we conducted that experiment in MPSIMS!
As tested by me-84 characters and spaces.
Nuh-uh! You’re short-changing yourself; it’s 85 (according to MS Word… )!