How Long Until We See FF Villains in Marvel Movies?

It sounds like some took believe that the bad guys obtained in the Fox-Disney deal are a bigger boon than the good guys. How long will we have to wait to find out? I’m waiting to see ads for a movie simply titled “Doom”. Galactus is more powerful, but Doom is cooler and more evil. Maybe he could be shown “reconstituted” during the end credits after Thanos is defeated.

The Skrulls are supposed to be the antagonists in Captain Marvel. That’s only about 8 months away.

Plus with Doc Doom, you also get moody shots of the archtypal Eastern European country of Latveria. Romanesque walled cities casting inky shadows over furtive peasants and royal intelligence agents.

That presents a problem. Doom’s knowledge of sorcery comes from his Roma (gypsy) heritage. The Roma are still being persecuted in Europe, and there’s a lot of tension between the pro-Roma and anti-Roma groups. As much as I love the character, I think he needs a partial reboot before entering the MCU.

Better yet, give him a Netflix series like Daredevil or Jessica Jones. I’d watch every episode.

Eh, they’ve made bigger tweaks to other character’s background. Hawkeye’s whole career as part of a criminal circus gang got written out. They can pretty easily sub in a different source of magic for Doom without any problems. IIRC, Ultimate Universe Doom learned magic from a slab he found in Atlantis.

Speaking of, how about the Sub-Mariner? Was he tied up in the FF rights? God, I’d love to see the Prince of Abs-Lantis in a movie.

We’ve seen Ronan the Accuser and he was a FF villain.

I wonder if that ship has sailed with the DCEU getting Aquaman on screen first? Although thinking on it, you’ve got Hawkeye/Green Arrow, Quicksilver/The Flash out there, so maybe they won’t be bothered by another of the carbon copy characters.

Would you rather see Subby show up in the MCU as a villain or a hero?

They already have dropped the Roma heritage for Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver - they’re just presented as Sokovians - so likely would have no problem doing so for Doom.

I’d tie Doom in with Dr Strange somehow, if I wanted to keep him as a sorcerer, not a mutated technocrat (the way he’s been portrayed in both sets of recent FF movie), if I were an MCU writer. Not directly, but have him part of that milieu. Maybe Dormamu finds a loophole in his deal with Strange, that lets him empower Viktor but that damages his face (a more-pronounced variant of that eye effect Caecilius and crowd had).

Absolutely right. He appeared in FF # 65.
Also, it’s pretty obvious that the cocoon at the end of Guardians of the Galaxy II is HIM, AKA “Adam Warlock”, who also first appeared in Fantastic Four #66-67
Obviously the next Fantastic Four villain should be from issue #68. But #68 just re-uses The Mad Thinker as a villain. There’s a long drought of new FF villains after this. I think the next new villain to be introduced was Annhilus in Fantastic Four Annual #6, in the already-introduced Negative Zone. He’d be pretty cool, too, but they’d need to either go a long way to introduce the Negative Zone somehow, or just have Annhilus without it.

Doctor Doom, perhaps the flagship villain in Marvel has been ruined in two movies already.

Cast an A-list actor to play him, and make him the evil genius who uses his mind, technology, and black magic…then you’ll have something. My pick, Mr. James Spader.

Aw crud! Doom gained his magic partly from Tibet. China’s government won’t like that, and as silly as it sounds Hollywood will have to change that part of his origin.

Ultron? Or was I whooshed?

It wasn’t a problem for Strange, was it? Or if that wasn’t Tibet, then just make wherever-it-was the origin for Doom, too.

But has Doom ever been an antagonist for anyone other than the FF?

I’m pulling for Paste Pot Pete, myself.

Barring that, the Skrulls and Secret Invasion.

According to James Gunn, Marvel Studios & Fox both have rights to use the Skrulls (though certain individual Skrulls are exclusive to Fox). Like both could use Quicksilver. So the acquisition has nothing to do with the Skrulls appearing in Captain Marvel.

If they bring in dancing Yoda into the franchise they could use Sephiroth as his foil.

Of course – Marvel always played mix-and-match with its heroes and villains. He fought Spiderman in issue #5 of Spiderman:

He’s fought most of the Marvel cast at one time or another, but not, AFAIK, as a REGULAR antagonist.

Well, yes, that’s what I mean. Yes, Squirrel Girl fought him, but that doesn’t make him a Squirrel Girl villain.

Just like the Human touch and Captain America were played by the same guy. Double woosh.

The Ancient one, was an Asian man from Tibet. They changed it to a white women to make $$$ In China.

Doom has been an antagonist for many A list super hero’s.